Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "The Time Terror" (zipped-pdf). [Note:
MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced
below. Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and
"Extract All"). ]

( ... ... Page 15 ... ... ... )
see,” continued the thin man, “I needed someone to have with me.
Someone whose safety would persuade Mr. Savage to spare me his
interest. I decoyed them
uptown, figuring they would leave one-or-more of their number behind.
It was an agreeable surprise to find they had left such an
attractive member behind.”
chortled wolfishly at his little humor.
But Pat didn't feel like laughing.
And she certainly didn't feel laughing a moment
later …

… when he started ripping off the bronze
beauty's tight-fitting blouse.

He quickly stripped off himself while he removed
the rest of his bitch's clothes.

"Maybe I should send him a picture of what a
filthy whore
his cousin is."

Pat struggled briefly.
But the menacing gun quieted her efforts.
She resigned herself …

"And now, my pretty Slut, hit the floor and spread
those long legs as wide as you can.
I got a 12-inch surprise for you."
Like a sex slave,
Pat reluctantly layed down and spread-eagled for her rapist. He loomed
over her rapidly stroking his huge organ.

"You can have an orgasm if you want,"
he taunted. "But
frankly, I don't give a damn. I
just need to empty my balls."
"Fat chance of that," Pat muttered.
She groaned and moaned as he inserted his
oversized penis into her tight cunt and began frantically pounding away.

But he was not finished with her even after the
last gob of semen
splashed its way into her womb.

"On your fucking knees, Whore!"
he commanded. "And Open
She was not even fully erect before his limp
organ began slipping between her full lips.

Unfortunately for her, the main thing this oral
action seemed to be doing was getting that vile monstrosity
ready for his next action.
"On your tummy, Bitch.
It's time we go up the 'dirt
Pat knew what that was.
The ultimate degradation. And
she pleaded with him.

"Oh God, no!
Please! Not that!
Haven't you done enough already?"

"Hell no!" he yelled as he jammed his
cock up into her tight rectum.
"You Bastard
…!!!" she screamed as he began to sodomize her.

His effort seemed to paralyze her with pain. She could
only lay there like some inflatable whore-doll
as he finally emptied himself again.

In a Parallel Universe


( ... ... Page 54 ... ... ... )
asked: “What about the girl Monk collected?”
is probably an inhabitant of the place,” Doc said.
“We will take her. She
may be of considerable help.”
the place has got many citizens like the 'little pet' that just blew
up,” Monk said, “we'll need all the help running around loose.”
girl had stood by without any sign that she understood a word they said.
-- when Doc Savage touched her arm and indicated by simple signs that
they wished her to accompany them and that silence was imperative -- she
examined the Bronze
Man as closely as the darkness would permit.
But she came with them.
up next …

Savage gets "Mass-Impregnated"
( ... ... Page 56 ... ... ... )
Savage was glad to see Doc and the others.
was too stiff from being tied so long.
And too dazed from the blow which Shorty must have struck her to
move for a while after they took the cords off her.
was also sore in places (her crotch and buttocks) that she
didn't expect. She wondered
about that for a while.
it was best that she couldn't remember what some of Shorty's men did to
her while she was unconscious (unbeknownst to Shorty).
In her pursuit of Adventure with Doc Savage’s group, Pat had
unfortunately been raped and gang-banged many times.
So she was not technically a "virgin", her hymen having
been torn when she was barely out of her teenage years (see "Brand
of the Werewolf" #011XXX).

Still, she had some remarkable ability for her body to heal itself.
In doing so, any vaginal or rectal passageways that had been
brutally stretched-out had quickly returned to their original tightness.
For all practical purposes as far as the pain and bleeding went,
she was still a "virgin".
had stared long-and-hard at the beautiful bronze-haired woman laying so provocatively on the floor of
the plane. All of them
looked at one another with eager eyes.

When Shorty went forward to sit with the pilot, they dragged the
unconscious Pat back into the cargo hold of the plane.
Eagerly they started undressing her!

mouths soon pressed hard on her soft full neon-pink
lips while grasping hands fondled her perky 34-D

they stretched her out like a sacrificial lamb and spread
her legs wide.
By then
each of them had taken off his pants and was displaying very erect male
promptly went to work …

prissy 5"
high-heels jerked spasmodically in the air as each thrust plunged
into her tight vagina.

grunted and growled
as they unloaded huge messy gobs of impregnating semen up in her.

the time the last man had finished raping
her, the first who had done so was rejuvenated enough to have another go
at her fantastic body. He
turned over on her tummy. Below
her tiny 22-inch waist were rounded firm buttocks that jiggled when he <spanked> them.

an evil grin on his face, he laid on top of her thighs and speared
her anus with his 12" penis.

angrier-and-angrier, he rammed away at her until he exploded
deep up her rectum. The
others could see that when some of his slimy mess was oozing
out her anal orifice.

Some of them had remarkable regenerative
powers. For watching her
being raped, they felt another load of nasty semen accumulating in their genitals. And
what better spot to empty it than in Pat's defiant mouth!

In a Parallel Universe ...

they were finally done, they redressed and rebound her and brought her
forward in the plane. Shorty
and the pilot were unaware of what they had done.
And so was Pat.

( ... ... Page 82 ... ... ... )
face went blank.
disappeared off this Earth a billion years ago,” he said.
was a mammoth all right,” Shorty put in dryly.
“And about the most harmless thing you'll find in this
'harmless', eh?” Monk said. “In
that case, I'm open to an offer to leave this place right now!”
soon …

Pat Savage has a Group "Honeymoon"
( ... ... Page 99 ... ... ... )
screamed! It was the
first time she had shown genuine, uncontrollable terror.
scream -- the knowledge that the courageous Ga was that afraid
of these bestial Prehistoric fellows -- was more of a shock to Doc than
the surprise attack.
and the knowledge that they were caught.
Doc, Johnny, and Ga were almost at once overpowered.
More by sheer numbers if not individual strength.
They were held helpless.
of the Prehistoric men who was larger than the others -- and by that
right apparently the Leader -- walked to his weapons.
picked up a great club and came toward the prisoners with grim purpose.
up next …

sophisticated Pat Savage is Ganged-Impregnated
( ... ... Page 100 ... ... ... )
can't do a thing like that!” Pat blurted foolishly.
showed his teeth.
seems I will have to demonstrate how wrong you are,” he said.
He lifted his gun without emotion.
he paused and seemed to reconsider.
pointed to Pat and instructed his men: "Take her to the
maintenance shack."
warned: "You'd better not hurt her!"
sneered and said: "And you had better start worrying about what
we're going to do to you."
men escorted the apprehensive bronze-haired
woman to the dilapidated building.

still had her in their grasp when Saki joined them.
To Pat's horror, he immediately starting unzipping his

start stripping,
American whore," he commanded. "Or you will see all of your companions get shot!"
head was spinning. She knew
that she had to comply. And
yet her natural feminine instinct was to fight back.
laughed at her predicament.
will offer your body to each of us as any
subordinate wife would do for her husband," he said.
pointed at his 12" penis.
"This is your new Master now!"

began disrobing. It came
across to them as a dirty strip-tease.
ooh-ed and ahh-ed at her 34-D
breasts that seemed to so proudly defy gravity.
below her 22-inch waist was a
nearly hairless crotch.

she had finished, Saki commanded:
come here and get down on your knees.
Get down and start making love like a good bitch.
Make love to this!" and he started masterbating his foul-smelling organ.

resigned herself to doing as he said.
He initially laughed as she started kissing
that disgusting thing. But
his chuckles turned to groans as he started thrusting it in-and-out of
her pretty neon-pink

you are quite the good slut," he said as he wiped his discharged
penis on her bronze
hair. "Now show my men
here what a whore-wife
you really are ... Spread-Eagle!!"
layed down on the hard floor. They
watched as her dainty 5"
high-heel pumps were spread out wide.

just lay there when they are fucking you!
to them with all your heart. Else
your friends will be shot."

And so Pat's big Gang-Bang began …

each man was ready to ejaculate, Saki ordered the others to hold Pat's
long legs high in the air. He
relished the thought of the beautiful American woman getting pregnant!

wanted All
of her bodily orifices used – not just her vagina. His
men were only too willing …

In a Parallel Universe ...

But Saki wasn't finished with the beautiful woman
yet. He was Evil Incarnate!
At the <snap> of his finger, some teenage
boys appeared. Pat
noticed that all of them looked malnourished and disheartened.
She also noticed that they were quite naked!

"See this filthy whore here, boys?" Saki
questioned. "You saw
how my men used her earlier. I
want you to do the very same thing.
And if you do, I will set you free."
At that last, the boys' eyes grew wide. Their
previous despair turned into glorious hope as they started masturbating
their small organs furiously.
Pat could only lay there spread-eagled as she
watched these poor boys approach to rape the hell out her!

But Saki saw something wrong right away.
It was the small size of their sperm-loaded
"Use these things.
Else your bitch won't feel you tearing her
pussy apart."
He gave them huge dildos to
use on Pat. Her eyes grew
wide with terror!

The large artificial penises seem to do the
trick. Pat was soon squealing and moaning
louder than she did with the men. Almost
like a whore in heat.

By this time some of the men had gotten their
"second wind".
they took her again!

the end she lay there exhausted and covered with their slimy
lust. She did look quite the
used whore. Saki accented
this when he grabbed a stick and stuck it hard
into Pat's cunt to keep their viscous goo-goo
up in her.

But Patricia Savage would recover from her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she escape future
rapes and gang-bangs????
( ... ... Page 137 ... ... ... )
nodded. “You got an
“Yes,” Doc said.
“Empty your pockets. I
want particularly to know what we can assemble in the way of gas
grenades. We should have a
few small ones.”
got some,” Johnny said.
he grinned.
think I see your idea. I'll
be superamalgamated!”
up next …

the primitive Ga gets a modern Gang-Rape !
( ... ... Page 140 ... ... ... )
stepped out of the jungle. She
was not excited.
lifted her bow and nocked an arrow.
Her eyes were on Saki.
Doc called.
couldn't (try as he would!) think of the word in Ga's language.
She apparently did not understand the English.
Or if she did, she paid no attention.
wouldn't have helped him anyway. Saki
had his men ravish Ga just as
he had done with Pat Savage.
there are some things that are common among women no matter what their
heritage or lifestyle may be.
was uncertain if his men would find the wild-looking Ga
attractive enough to rape. So
he held her under gunpoint while he supervised her cosmetic makeover.
it was finished, she looked to be the equal of any big city brunette

men delighted in tormenting Ga
by obscenely stroking their penises as they disrobed. She must
have guessed their intentions because her face frowned with disapproving

made some beastly sounds as they grabbed her body tightly and began
exploring all over it.

didn't take them long at all to lay her down on the ground and force her
to assume appropriate positions to accommodate their intercoursing

her strength, her sexual inexperience made her cry out in pain
as they savagely plunged in-and-out her.
They might not have succeeded if not for Saki's gun which kept
itself pointed at her.

But still they might not have succeeded if not
for Saki's gun which
kept itself pointed at her.

used ALL of her bodily orifices to deposit their slimy
loads. Ga
would soon feel (and look like) a common big city street prostitute.

In a Parallel Universe ...
Saki's men exhausted themselves after their
3-hour rape of the beauty. But
Ga still seemed to possess an inner strength and defiance.
That angered Saki.
Then he got an idea for an even more degradation.
He called over to a guard.
"Get those dogs
over here!"
Ga looked up from her spread-eagled raped form to
see a large filthy dog
approach. It was a male dog.
And by size of its organ, it must have been horny.
But still, she had no idea of its intentions
until it was too late ...

Ga groaned loudly as the last canine unknotted
from here. Both of them lay
there. The dog was going to
sleep. Ga was examining
herself for damage.

But Saki was still not satisfied.
He bound Ga up and then used some brutal sex toys on her.

Pat Savage's next peril comes in #120 -
"Waves of Death" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS0120XXX.htm
- Waves of Death" (complete book zipped-pdf)
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com