Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "Terror Takes Seven" (zipped-pdf).
[Note: MORE Images are shown in
the downloaded book than are reproduced below. Download the book
and unzip (i.e., right-click and "Extract All"). ]

( ... ... Page 30 ... ... ... )
made 3 more calls -- all designed at finding out what he could about the
girl Paula Argus.
was 21, a war-time deb, Red Cross worker, belonged to a college sorority
group, and was quite a huntress. She
held a record trophy for women in 2 types of game and had placed twice
in the women's nationals with the small-bore rifle.
competent, good character, a sportswoman.
Nothing very dark about her.
it's not always possible to learn everything about someone.
Especially bad things which never go reported to the authorities.
Argus was a very attractive young woman that had no problem in turning a
man's head wherever she went. Unfortunately,
her beauty also attracted those of a less noble character.

of those times came when she was viewed by some African-American
males who were jobless and had too much time on their hands.
And as so often the case, they were quick to put the blame for
their current woes on the Caucasian race.
stares grew increasingly hateful as they watched the white
put on her prissy airs as she went about her way.

didn't take long for them to make a plan to vent their frustrations on
her. To punish her for their
plight. To make her feel humiliated and degraded.
so they were starkly naked
when she rounded a corner to see
large black penises thrusting menacingly into the air.

mouths quickly stifled any outcry she could make as her clothes were
quickly ripped from her body.

facial <slaps> partially dazed her as she was thrown down on the
hard alley concrete and her legs
spread apart.

"Now FUCK,
you white Whore!"
screamed one antagonist.

uttered pitiful whimperings as
dick after black dick painfully inched their way up into her vaginal

She gagged and choked as those very same vile cocks parted her pretty lips
searching for her throat.

worst part (if any of her ordeal could be considered "worse"
than the other) came when her tight rectum was sodomized
by angry black penises.

In a Parallel Universe

she was not spared further torment even when they had completely emptied
themselves …

whatever reason, she never told anyone of this.
It was the only time anything of this nature had happened to her.
She was hoping that she would forget about given enough time.

how could she forget it when 9
months approached

( ... ... Page 55 ... ... ... )
had thought the spring lock of the orchid room window looked as if
it had been carefully oiled at some recent date.
the cord around the hook, he went to the apartment door.
It was also spring-locked.
went out into a rich looking apartment house hallway.
There were elevators to the left and he laid a thumb against the
call button.
Waiting, he wished that he could be around to see Assistant District
Attorney Ivans' face when that officious young man began searching the orchid
Coming up soon …

Patricia Savage is Interracially Gang-Banged
( ... ... Page 78 ... ... ... )
her good luck was about to run out.
had changed into a white outfit of sorts.
It fit her very tightly and unfortunately (for her) showed off
her magnificent female form a little too much.
For it caught the evil
eyes of 2 large African-American homeless men.

white garments made her look as "pure" as snow.
And her lofty attitude as she walked on prissy 5"
high-heels imparted an "I'm
too good for you" image.

men looked at each other with the same idea.
"Let's rape
this white bitch!"
caught Pat as she was walking past a long vacated building.

screamed in vain as they
bodily carried into a below-the-sidewalk basement entryway.
me go, you black bastards!" she yelled.
your trap, Whore!" one said as he <slapped>
her across the face. "We're
all gonna play a little game. And
its name is FUCK!"

away she knew what she was headed for and redoubled her efforts to get
their lust
had given their large bodies an even greater strength as they started
taking off her clothes.

spread your goddamn legs, Slut!
Spread 'em wide! Your new daddies
are gonna plug you!"

In her pursuit of Adventure with Doc Savage’s group, Pat had
unfortunately been raped and gang-banged many times.
So she was not technically a "virgin", her hymen having
been torn when she was barely out of her teenage years (see "Brand
of the Werewolf" #011XXX).

Still, she had some remarkable ability for her body to heal itself.
In doing so, any vaginal or rectal passageways that had been
brutally stretched-out had quickly returned to their original tightness.
For all practical purposes as far as the pain and bleeding went,
she was still a "virgin".
she seemed to realized the futility of her predicament, she was still
fighting back a little as a 14" black penis thrust its way up into her dry vagina.
she screamed. "I'll
kill you if it's the last thing I ever do …"

assailant just laughed and proceeded to plunge
away in her. He seemed to go
on for an hour when he suddenly reared his head back to yell "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!"
and repeatedly squirt sticky gobs of semen into her fertile womb.

dainty high-heels rested high on
his shoulders as it started drying up inside her. Pat
could only "grin and bear it" as she felt the gooey baby-making
overflow her cunt and ooze out.

other man impatiently turned her over and grasped her tiny 22-inch
waist. He raised it slightly
so that her toned thighs were off the ground.
He was holding onto her full 34-D
breasts when he rammed his own long organ up into her rectum!

Pat gasped as he started his sodomizing

took him a long time also before he finally exploded up into her bowels.
She could feel a thick viscous stream slowly seeping
out of her anus and the rest drying inside her.

In a Parallel Universe ...

they left, she had to clean off their raping organs … with her mouth!
expensive neon-pink lipstick soon
"painted" the black spears.

they were gone and she redressed, she found some dirty water which she
put on a rag so that could douche the impregnating
semen from her cunt. Then
she tried to find an open drugstore to purchase some 'morning-after'
birth control pills. She was

[Knocked-Up Whore]
( ... ... Page 106 ... ... ... )
He didn't think it sounded like a watchman.
Watchmen as a rule didn't have Harvard accents.
voice was coldly deliberative.
“No. That is only in the
sense of watching out for my own welfare.”
Jeff Morgan?” Doc asked.
voice was surprised.
shortly …

Paula Argus and Pat Savage are Gang-Impregnated
( ... ... Page 126 ... ... ... )
boy looked uncomfortable.
spoke to Monk for whom he apparently had the most awe.
can refrain, if you wish, from telling the police you were here.
I … ah, am aware that the police are searching for you
was pleased.
thanks. Don't get yourself
in trouble. Go ahead and
call them. Tell them just
what happened.”
added: “And tell them the murderer kidnapped Paula Argus and Pat
Eyes made round and staring by astonishment, the boy watched them leave.
Doc didn't know was what had happened to the 2 beautiful women after
they had been abducted.

villain stripped Paula Argus of her clothes.
He didn't sneer at her struggles, didn't even say a word.
He just silently looked very purposeful and intent!

he RAPED her. He
raped her hard!
It was unmerciful how he ignored her cries as he rammed
his 12" thick organ into her tight unlubricated pussy.

It was unmerciful how he ignored her cries as he rammed his
12" thick organ into her
tight unlubricated pussy.

gave a low almost "burping" grunt
as he shot his baby-making goo-goo
up inside her. He held her
legs up high as it dried while his organ slowly deflated itself.

he turned his attention to the horror-struck Pat
Savage. He used the same
impersonal method on her that he did on Paula.
He methodically tore off her clothes.
He was in no hurry.

groaned in humiliation as his mouth suckled her perky 34-D
breasts as if trying to draw milk from them.

bronze-haired beauty was sitting
in a sprawled position when he stood before her with a fully erect penis.
It was still coated with the semen that he had shot into Paula's vagina.
It smelled putrid and foul.

even tasted vile as he forced Pat to begin kissing
and sucking
it as it inserted into her mouth. Her
trademark neon-pink
lipstick was mixing with the slime on that disgusting organ.
Pat gulped
repeatedly as big globs shot down her throat!

In a Parallel Universe ...

lust-crazed rapist must have been a miracle of Biology of sorts.
Because he no sooner finished ejaculating into Pat Savage’s
pretty mouth than he became “hard” again.
(Or perhaps he never lost his erection.)
whatever reason, his evil gaze turned to Paula
Argus who was still recovering from the trauma of his previous rape.
But this time, his eyes were focused on her butt!

time I took you 'up
the dirt path',
Slut,” he sneered at her.
filled her eyes as she pleaded: “Oh please.
Please! Not that!
Not back there!”
interpreted that to mean she was a ‘virgin’ as far as anal
sex went. Which
excited him all the more!!

that hurt her. Really HURT!
Much worse than his intercourse rape.
She laid there trying to massage comfort into her now-raw

In a Parallel Universe ...

the insatiable deviant wasn’t done yet!
He looked once again a cowering Pat Savage.
about you, Bitch? Ready
to make some babies?”

Before Pat could utter a protest, he ran over to
her and almost speared her cunt with his steel-hard penis.


the pervert had one more degrading thing in stored for the ravaged
beauties …

But Patricia Savage would recover from her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she escape future
rapes and gang-bangs????
( ... ... Page 155 ... ... ... )
the story?” Doc asked.
Ivans said explosively.
asked Ivans: “Don't you believe it?”
even a bigger cock-and-bull story than anything you've told
me,” Ivans said angrily. “And
that's going some!”
Next …
Paula Argus is Gang-Raped !
( ... ... Page 159 ... ... ... )
Doc called. Strain made his
voice louder than he expected.
Pat's voice answered from another room.
“You all right?”
tied up. So is Paula.”
it easy,” Doc said quietly. “This
thing is about over.”
“Watch them,” Pat warned uneasily.
“I think they're all dangerous.”
thought so also.
he kept the alarm out of his voice and said: “They have nothing to
gain now.”
It turned out that Pat's warning was not
something overly cautious.
Paula was suddenly dragged into another room.
Pat could guess what would be happening to her …
And it quickly did.
The brunette beauty had her clothes stripped
off again.
If we're gonna get caught, then I'm gonna have me some whore
pussy before I get locked up for 20 years," a man said.
That seemed to be the sentiment among the rest in
that small room. They
started taking off their clothes in a frenzied
"Come here, Bitch!" one ordered.
"Give your daddies some luvins!"
She squawked
as they lifted her naked body and spread it out on the dirty floor.
"Let's make some babies now, Whore!
Maybe they'll be grown by the time we get out of jail.
Then we can rape them when we do you again."
"Clean this off, Bitch.
I want it to be squeaky clean when I shove it up your ASS."
In a Parallel Universe ...
"And now, Bitch,
for your ultimate orgasm," a bastard laughed.
"Albeit a little on the 'dirty'
side ..."
And if what they had done to her wasn't bad
enough, something even more humiliating was about to take
place. For Paula looked up
to see ...
... many
boys admiring her naked spread-eagled form.
She could tell from their eager faces and stiffened little penises
what they had in mind.
"Wh...wha...," she stammered.
"What are they going to do?"
"They're gonna make you a mommy, Whore.
Just in case we didn't."
She almost wished that they were older and had
larger penises. But they
weren't causing her that much pain.
All she could was lay there impassively and tolerate their
first-time fucking attempts. She
let out low moans as they panted and yelled!
"Just one more thing to do before we go, Slut
[Knocked-Up Whore]
Pat Savage's next peril comes in #159 -
"Death Is A Round Black Spot" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS0159XXX.htm
- Death Is A Round Black Spot" (complete book zipped-pdf)
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com