Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "The Jade Ogre" (zipped-pdf). [Note:
MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced
below. Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and
"Extract All"). ]

( ... ... Page 32 ... ... ... )
lost a good 15 minutes waiting for the door to be unlocked.
As they finally piled in through the opening, the grinning
copilot apprised them of the Bronze Man's clever departure.
disappointment vanished when they were shown the 2 blue corpses.
Flashbulbs popped. Newshawks
demanded answers.
woman indicated Dr. Mawson Harper who was attempting to squeeze through
the knot of reporters to the Exit door.
man is a doctor."
Press descended upon a sputtering red-faced Dr. Harmer who showed little
patience as he parried the seemingly unending questions put to him.
up soon …

aristocratic Miss Vine is Humiliated !
( ... ... Page 47 ... ... ... )
think she's in Pictures," the steward muttered.
Mate Scott lifted an eyebrow.
makes you say that?"
way she dressed," the other explained.
"She has Hollywood written all over her."
First Mate thought that was a reasonable enough explanation.
He put the mystery out of his mind.
But there was more to the mysterious 'Miss Vine'
than met the eye. Even her
white-bearded old companion did not know of her most recent unfortunate
incident. And because of her
feminine pride, neither he nor anyone else would ever know.
She had many hours to wait before boarding the
ship. To pass the time she
idly visited various small antique and gift shops that seemed to line
the large port and marina.

Unfortunately, her curiosity got the better of
her judgment and she strayed into some of the more seedier shops in the
back alleys. That was her
undoing. For it was there
that her beautiful form caught the attention of many lust-hardened deviants.
Hushed coarse voices ensued.

"What d'ya think, Sloppy Joe?"
"I think we do her, Grunt," responded a
beastly-looking fellow.
"Damn, it's been a long time since I had a bitch
like that," seconded Fatty Pete.

The three of them waited for their opportunity.
It came when the elegantly beautiful woman ventured into what
turned out to be a vacant alley full of abandoned shops and warehouses.
Without warning, she was abruptly seized.
She struggled against her 3 assailants as they muffled her cries
and dragged her into a dusty building that smelled of liquor and urine.

"What do you want?" the beauty screamed
at the crazed men.
"We're not gonna hurt you, Bitch!"
said Sloppy Joe. "We
just want a little pussy ... Yours!"
"Like hell you will!" she vowed and
redoubled her efforts to escape.
But their strength and numbers were too much for
her. She cursed them as her
clothing was pulled and ripped off.

Hard mouths engulfed her full lips.

Strong grubby hands pawed and squeezed
her magnificent 34-D breasts.

Hard fingers probed her most private areas.

Still, they liked the way she fought back against
them. They liked that in a
female that they were raping. (It was not
their first time by far.)
She let out a short groan when they dumped her on
the dusty wood floor. She
could see big menacing penises
jutting above her.

"Spread your legs, Whore!" Grunt commanded.
"And be quick about it.
I gotta git read of all this jizz
in my balls. I think it's
getting' rotten staying up in there for so long!"

"Damn you all to ... !" she began to
say when Grunt's cock suddenly speared her tender vagina.
It was like a huge electrical shock!

"Ahhh ... the bitch is so fuckin' tight!"
Grunt panted as he plunged away into the helpless female's fertile womb.

Every time she tried to utter a piercing scream,
it was cut short when another thrust of
Grunt's massive dick
rammed up in her.

"Ugh! ... Ugh! ... Ugh!" he groaned as sweat
poured off him.

"Hurry up, Grunt!" complained Fatty
Pete. "I gotta get my
rocks off on the slut too!"
That must have been what caused Grunt to climax.
Both his and the beautiful woman's bodies shuddered as
a volcano of rancid sperm gushed up into her stretched out cunt.
She fought to hold back tears as he continued to empty
smaller spurts.

He rolled off her naked form with jizz and
urine still dribbling out of his now-deflating penis.
"Was it as good for you as it was for me,
Baby-Doll?" he mockingly asked.
She just looked at him with eyes that could kill!

But she had no time to rest because Fatty Pete
quickly took his place.
"On your tummy, Bitch!" he ordered.
"I'm an ASS man myself."
She was confused by that as they turned her over

Then when they put some old rags underneath her
to prop her firm round buttocks up into the air, she suddenly knew what
he was going to do ... Sodomization!
"Oh no!
You wouldn't! ... Please
..." she began ...

Her beg was answered with a sudden plunge of a
fat penis up into her awfully-tight rectum.
Damn you ..." she yelled.
"Got you!" Fatty Pete groaned as her
anus seem to swallow of his impaling shaft.

Soft whimpering squeals mixed with loud moans
as she felt him plunge in-and-out of her bowels.

He panted furiously
like he was hard at work as he felt his semen
ready to flood her insides.

..." he suddenly uttered.
Immediately she felt a huge warm wave
filling up her anal cavity.

So tightly did his penis fit
into her rectum that he had to wait for it to deflate before he could
exit. He spent those moments
giving his wench "sucker bites" on her smooth neck as he tried
to squeeze off her full breasts.

She wasn't in as much pain as she had initially
feared. Rather one of
complete exhaustion when Sloppy Joe raised her to a sitting position.

"Now you'll know why they call me
'Sloppy'," he proclaimed. "Open
that whore mouth of yours!"
She saw his smelly dick
inches from her face. She
was certainly not going to open her mouth .
But as she started to curse him ...

"Ahhhh!" he said contentedly.
"Now milk it good, you prissy slut!'
She choked and coughed as his big penis began thrusting in-and-out and down her throat.
This time she couldn't hold back her tears that streamed down her

He seemed to take longer to do his evil deed than
the others.

She was on the verge of passing out when she a
salty-tasting slime filled her entire mouth.
Sloppy Joe pinched her nose to force her to swallow most of it.
Still, some ran out the corners of her delicate mouth, so potent
was his release.

In a Parallel Universe

They slapped each other on the back as they
dressed themselves. To make
sure their victim wouldn't try to follow them and alert police, they
found something to impale her with.

That oughta hold you for a while," they laughed as they

( ... ... Page 102 ... ... ... )
Brooks and Patricia Savage added their gasps of surprise.
Doc Savage had been hovering behind them until just a moment ago.
where did he go?" Captain Gooch thundered.
would say," Ham drawled, "that Doc has decided to follow your
what advice would that be?" the Captain roared.
merely has gone to watch the scuts."
up later …

beautiful Pat Savage is Raped
and Degraded !
( ... ... Page 120 ... ... ... )
Pinks exploded at that calm admission.
he howled. "I always
heard you were quite the fire-eater, Savage.
What about figuring out who that armless spook
was? He -- or it
-- could be prowling the ship while we're standing here jawing!"
society reporter was gesticulating as they walked along.
He noticed that Doc Savage seemed to be bound toward a specific
intend," Doc told him, pausing to look the flustered reporter
straight in the eye, "to retire for the evening.
I suggest that you do the same."
giant continued on, leaving Rex Pinks standing
slack-jawed in amazement.
up next…

Patricia Savage gets used as a Whore
( ... ... Page 135 ... ... ... )
Savage seemed unaware of the lurking Celestial as she cruised past the
open mouth of the ventilator.
cat feet slipped up behind her and 2 yellow claws stretched a red
silk cord over her head. The
cord descended …
she would have sensed the attacker had she not been so intent
upon her quest. It is a
truism that the more one concentrates upon the contents of one's mind,
the less sensitive the 5 senses are to external stimuli.
possessed excellent hearing. It
was just that she was not listening to the slight sounds her eardrums
were receiving.
cord whipped across her smooth bronze
throat digging in. Pat
emitted a squeak of surprise. It
was barely even that. A
mouse would have raised more of an outcry.
saw stars. Bright
varicolored ones.
attacker seemed to have a momentary change of plans.
True, he would end up killing her.
But the semi-conscious beauty did provide for a moment-or-two of
lustful fun.

now you will get what you deserve,” he sneered at her, “you filthy
American WHORE!”
started ripping her clothes in a maddened frenzy! She was
still too dazed to resist much.

got nauseated when his lips sought her luscious mouth.
Her trademark neon-pink
was being smeared all over both their faces.

also quickly found how full and firm his athletic captive’s 34-D
breasts were.

could only groan as gross sucking
sounds accompanied his slobbery mouth enclosing over them.

<slapped> her hard a couple of times.
"Spread your legs
for your Master, whore!” he ordered.

strength still hadn’t returned to the point where she could have
stopped his efforts.

was naked now. His wrinkled
penis looked very vile to Pat.
didn’t take long to RAM
it hard into her tight vagina!!!

took a mighty effort for him not to ejaculate into her tight womb.
He was s-o-o-o-o close!!

lost her breath momentarily as he yanked it out just in time.
he really wanted now was her pretty defiant mouth …

time he couldn’t wait. He
shot gob
after disgusting gob
of sticky semen down her throat!!

In a Parallel Universe

lust was spent. But not his anger.
grabbed anything he could and promptly poked it into Pat's sore violated
orifices. She squealed
like a stuck pig-slut!

She gasped
and panted while extracting
all those invading insertions.

( ... ... Page 172 ... ... ... )
tossed the automatic over the rail, scrutinizing the faces of the
quartet as the distant splash
of them betrayed by their expression any pang of loss over the expensive
death weapon.
might be the proper time to bring Captain Gooch into this matter,"
the bronze
said without inflection.
brought glum expressions all around.
Even to Ham Brooks.
one was looking forward to the Mandarin
skipper's reaction to these latest events.
shortly …

stuck-up Patricia Savage has many Husbands
( ... ... Page 197 ... ... ... )
light roved and picked out another door.
The place was a maze. The
Bronze Man
paused to listen.
no sound more alarming than a rat scuttling somewhere, he passed
through. The light almost
immediately fell upon the source of the ugly odor.
was Joe Knopf. He was
kneeling over a big rattan basket that had been set in the center of a
bare floor. His hands were
tied behind his back.
posture was not unlike that of a man ducking for apples …
… except that instead of floating fruit, the big rattan basket
contained Joe Knopf's expertly severed head!
up next …

sophisticated Patricia Savage gets Gang-Impregnated
( ... .. Page 188 ... ... ... )
<blinked>. The men who
were throwing the lines were Oriental.
Their various skin colorations told her that.
Most were brown, a few yellow.
Some were the white-brown of old ivory.
They wore little clothing in the fashion of certain outlying
provinces. She had the
impression that they were Cambodians.
engine silent now, the motor launch was drawn up alongside the big
seaplane float and made fast. Orientals
began scrambling aboard.
was lifted off her seat by two of the wiry fellows and hoisted into the
open hatch where she was received by a pair of the half-naked Asiatics.
accomplished, lines were cast off. The
motor launch was cut loose to drift away.
Orientals looked hard at the beautiful white woman.
Pat shuddered. She
had seen that look many times in her past and knew what it meant.

wouldn’t have long to wait …

lust-crazed penises of all sizes quickly
came into view.
Pat was horrified! They
looked so dirty and possibly disease-ridden.
She fought to keep them from “spreading her eagle” ...

to no avail …

were cackling and fighting among themselves to see who would be first
“in line”. The winner
promptly proceeded to split the bronze-haired
beauty in two!

he had finished erupting into her fertile
womb, another rapist quickly
took his place.

first, he rolled the pretty Pat over on her tummy

could have sworn she was being impaled when at long last the
bastard finally climaxed!

She could have sworn she
was being impaled when at long last the bastard finally climaxed!

rest couldn’t decide upon her mouth
So they used BOTH!!!

In a Parallel Universe ...

a while, all that she was concerned about was becoming pregnant!

( ... ... Page 261 ... ... ... )
of the blackness boomed unearthly ghoulish laughter.
The horrible hollow sound froze the blood of everyone who heard
shrieked Shad O'Shea.
Sudden arms reached out from the tangle of creepers and laid bestial
hands on the dapper lawyer's shoulders.
They dragged him in as if drawing a poor sinner into the pits of
He was gone in an instant.
remained only the sinister gurgling of the river and the
ugly sounds of beating bat wings stirring the Cambodian night.
soon …

Maurine Baird and Patricia Savage are used as Sex
( ... ... Page 296 ... ... ... )
weight of her captors kept her from upsetting the ladder.
And the bullet that whistled past her head to whang
off the stone floor and bury itself in a far wall discouraged any
further effort.
stepped back from the ladder. The
2 Cambodians leaped off and seized her by her bare arms.
third took his time coming down. That
was because he did not wish to discharge the six-shooter whose hammer he
was holding back with his thumb. The
lack of a trigger evidently did not faze the man in the slightest.
Orientals were almost military-like in their next actions as if they
were under orders (which they were as Pat would later learn).
No words or threats were spoken as she was quickly stripped naked.

eyes were hard as she watched the men almost without emotion unzip their
pants. Their organs were not
even erect at this point in contrast to her previous two rapes.
The men did not seem excited.
Rather they were performing an ordered task.
They started masturbating in order to get their penises ready to go to work …

was no passion, no foreplay, nothing “preliminary”.
Just methodical brute
force raping! With
no “holes” barred!!! That meant even her rectum
and mouth were targets
along with her cunt.
Her prissy 5"
flailed and screamed in the air with each painful plunge!

"Now spread your legs, you
goddamn Whore,
and let me in !"

"I want her Ass!
God do I want
Yankee Ass!
me your ass, Bitch!"

"Suck this,
American Slut!"

In a Parallel Universe ...

weren’t quite finished. Some
post-rape self-humiliation was ordered.
The bronze
looked like a
whore …

were finally done with her. The
ravishing beauty looked just that. Ravished!!!

is the daddy ?!]
But Patricia Savage would recover from her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she
escape future rapes
and gang-bangs????
( ... ... Page 311 ... ... ... )
refused to wear that… that dancing-girl dress if that's what you
mean," Pat retorted.
"It would have become you. It
belonged to a dancing girl whose beauty was unrivaled.
Even if her heart held treachery."
tones of the Jade Ogre's
voice mingled sadness and bitterness.
His head bowed as if in unhappy reflection.
Some trick of the ultra-green light produced a downcast effect in the set jade features that looked out in all directions.
the head lifted, the tall brass crown coming level again.
"I like the dress I'm wearing thank you very much," Pat bit
stumps rolled again in resignation.
fail to understand your reluctance,” the Jade
Ogre responded. “Do
you not remember what some of my servants did to you just recently?
How you were used as a common
such as would be found in the back alleys of the Orient?
That was to strip away any last remnants of womanly dignity you
had so you would be a proper companion for me.”
how do you define ‘proper companion’?” asked Pat angrily.
is quite simple,” the Jade Ogre answered. “Someone
who will do my bidding without reserve or hesitation.
For example, if myself or anyone I choose were to come into a
room with you there and he-or-they were to unzip their pants, I
would expect you to immediately go down on your
knees while removing your bra.
No words need to be exchanged.
Their actions alone would be your queue.”
Pat sneered: “Fat chance of that happening, Mr.
Pervert! I’m too good for
you or anyone else!”
The Ogre
nodded his head sadly. “I
was afraid you’d say that. It
is obvious that my men somewhat failed in their assignment to turn you
into – if you’ll pardon the term – a most willing Slut.
But perhaps I can succeed where they did not.”
watched her flinch and narrow her eyes.

attempted to transform the Baird woman into a whore for all who serve
the Jade Ogre.
She was like you and resisted my efforts quite vigorously.
But it took a toll on her and unfortunately she no longer is
appealing to me. That’s
why I selected you.”
me the ‘honor’,” Pat said sarcastically.
me disclose what happened to her and perhaps you might be reasonable and
reconsider …”

Jade Ogre said: “I wanted Maurine Baird to be
completely defiled, completely degraded so that she would be the perfect
Slut-Wife for me.”

servants went to extreme lengths,” he continued, “to see that this
transformation would occur. They
are good men. I handpicked
them personally. Each one
has been incarcerated many times for raping everything
from schoolgirls to grandmothers.”
He added with a cruel smirk:
"But I can assure you that the Barid bitch did not
appreciate all their hard work."

"My devoted servants spared no effort and showed no mercy,"
the Jade
Ogre went on, "to accomplish this task."
"You are such a bastard!" Pat glowered.

"Yes, in a matter of mere days," the Jade
Ogre continued, "the Baird woman was
transformed from a would-be prim&proper starlet to a quivering
sex-slave Whore. Oh how she moaned when each new penis
would enter her."

The Jade Ogre said:
"I spared no effort t break her feminine will.
Some older
teenage boys
also had their way with her body."

"She was quite the most willing slut,"
the Jade Ogre bragged.

In a Parallel Universe ...

The Jade Ogre added:
"And we also used artificial devices to break the
Baird-whore's will."

the Jade Ogre continued, “she did not withstand her ordeal
that while and … well, I was just not attracted to her afterwards.
She looked too 'used'. Plus
the bitch got pregnant and fat.
But I feel certain that You are a better physical
specimen and would be more capable of serving me and my followers.”

Pat seemed between extreme anger
and agonized sympathy. She
didn’t know which emotion would prevail.
"But I feel certain that You are a better physical
specimen and would be more capable of serving me and my followers.
As you know, my men can be very horny at times."
"Don't touch me, you green
Bastard!" Pat warned. "Those
perverted assholes of yours have done enough to me already!"
"They may have, American Bitch-Whore,"
the Jade Ogre said with
an evil smirk. "But I
have not."
Pat felt something prick her neck. Almost
immediately she started getting woozy.
"Damn you
..." she started to say when she realized it was a small dart containing a
The Jade Ogre licked his
lips crazily as he watched the bronze-haired
goddess being quickly stripped.

Pat was groggily semi-conscious when she heard
the Jade Ogre command:
"Bring in some of those machines.
Perhaps they will teach this Yankee slut some manners when she speaks to her future Master."
Pat uttered a low groan of protest.
She saw movies of what those machines did to poor Maurine.
Her eyes were flashing wildly as they put into position and mated
her to the unfeeling mechanical 'Rape-All' devils.

Perhaps they had done this before. The
Jade Ogre uttered
no vocal commands. But after
the evil machines had thoroughly reamed out their bronze
beauty, some of the men removed her and proceeded to have their way with
her. They were indeed VERY horny
after watching all the mechanical rapings.

The Jade Ogre saw
that Pat was regaining full consciousness.
He cackled "Maybe that will teach you to respect your Masters.
Now clean yourself up. You
look and smell like a filthy Whore."
Pat radiated anger
as her limbs began moving of their own accord again.
If HATE could somehow be a force of Nature, all of them in
that evil room would be dead!

gets knocked-up]
The Jade Ogre continued
his lecture as if Pat's degradation over the last 2 hours had not
occurred at all. He was very
nonchalant as he began speaking ...
Pat Savage's next peril comes in #189 -
"The Whistling Wraith" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS0189XXX.htm
- The Whistling Wraith" (complete book zipped-pdf)
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com