Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "The Black Spot" (zipped-pdf). [Note:
MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced
below. Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and "Extract
All"). Then you can have it forever long after this
website goes away.]

( ... ... Page 11 ... ... ...)
had no opportunity to scream. Her
sudden captor discovered that he had got hold of a wildcat in the
toes bruised his shins. One
small hand with strong fingers fastened on an ear and twisted.
man breathed heavily and swore vilely in Pat’s face.
She lowered her head and tried to butt the man on the nose or
"You red-headed hellion!" grated her captor.
"I’ll fix you for
always became madder when she was called "red-headed" even
though she was wearing a red wig in her disguise.
Though she couldn’t breathe, she dug an elbow into the man’s
crashed against a door. This
led to the basement stairs. It
was unlocked and it swung open.
collected a number of bruises in the next 2 seconds.
It is likely that her captor gathered more.
They rolled together down the stairs and landed on a concrete
floor in the darkness.
man landed on top of her. He
started viciously <slapping> her face!

bitch! You fucking
bitch!" he screamed at her.
knee-ed her in the crotch.

started choking her. Her
hands tried to get his off her throat.
But he removed only one of them so as to free up his other hand.
He used that one to start tearing
open her tight-fitting blouse.

you look at those babies!" he said as her perky 34-D
breasts came into view. "I
gotta get me some of those!"

shrieked as his hungry
mouth bit down on one of her full boobs and then the other.
So passionate was his sucking&biting that he was almost
lifting her off the hard floor by her breasts alone.

momentarily stunned her with a hard face <slap>.

That gave him the opportunity to bunch up her tight skirt around
her 22-inch waist. He
hurriedly tore off a frail pair of bikini panties!

No garter belt?" he exclaimed.
"Only a whore
would wear thigh-top stockings
so she is always ‘ready for action’."
had come back to her senses as she felt his strong knees push apart her
thighs. She tried to grab at
his hair to pull his face off her as he lowered to give her a nasty
sloppy wet
on her full pouty lips. But
his hair was so short that she couldn't get a grip.

she was becoming nauseated with his passionate kissing, she was unaware
that his long thick penis
had emerged from his pants and was already pressing against her tight
vaginal opening.

But she
certainly became aware of it the next second when it lurched
forward and planted itself deep in her womb.

screamed as it started pumping furiously
in-and-out of her. Her 5"
high-heels tried to kick and scrape him on his buttocks as he
continued to spear her mercilessly.

screams were cut short or muffled by his repeated gross kisses.
She was horrified when he raised his head up and she saw her
expensive lipstick
smeared all over his face.

In her pursuit of Adventure with Doc Savage’s group, Pat had
unfortunately been raped and gang-banged many times.
So she was not technically a "virgin", her hymen having
been torn when she was barely out of her teenage years (see "Brand
of the Werewolf" #011XXX).

Still, she had some remarkable ability for her body to heal itself.
In doing so, any vaginal or rectal passageways that had been
brutally stretched-out had quickly returned to their original tightness.
For all practical purposes as far as the pain and bleeding went,
she was still a "virgin".

was fully conscious the whole time up to when he exploded
into her. One thick gooey
stream of semen
flowed up in her.

could feel it as he sneered down contemptuously at her.
He reached under her bronze
thighs to lift them up to his shoulders.

knew what he was doing. He
wanted to keep that vile stuff from leaking out so it would impregnate
her! He found her bikini
underwear and stuffed them up her cunt.

final and worse humiliation came when he forced his raping
into her pretty mouth.
it off good, Whore! I
don’t want my cum smelling up my underwear.”

Even after he had emptied himself into Pat' warm mouth,
he wasn't done with his torment ...

In a Parallel Universe

guess that'll teach you, Cunt!" he said as he got off her long
slender form. "But you
better be a good mother to my brat
or I'm gonna do it to you all over again!"

[Impregnated Whore]
( ... ... Page 34 ... ... ... )
The nose of the launch bumped. Pearsall
saw a single figure step out of the fog.
His flashlight outlined the face.
Probably he could have identified the man afterward.
But Homer Pearsall never had the opportunity.
The millionaire real estate manipulator did not know when his
launch came broadside to the old wharf.
There had been no shot. No
blow had been struck. No
movement of violence had been made.
Without a sound, Pearsall fell on his face in the
cockpit of his boat.
this time, another boat was moving into the river near
Pearsall’s houseboat. It
was a leaky rowboat.
it were Renny Renwick, Long Tom Roberts, and Johnny Littlejohn.
soon …

( ... ... Page 52 ... ... ... )
followed his trail for a short distance into the scrubby bush and rocks.
No doubt, the frightened man had fled with the speed of fear in
his feet. Drops of blood speckled the leaves.
Arthur Jotther was one of the few men ever to jump from a car at 100
miles-an-hour and live to tell about it!
gave up the search after several minutes.
He heard other cars coming along the highway.
Bronze Man might have given the State
Police a lead to the latest appearance of Arthur Jotther.
But he drove away without imparting any information.
up shortly …

Savage gets Gang-Banged !
( ... ... Page 80 ... ... ... )
than further provoke her protective cousin, Pat halfheartedly consented
to his wishes (which made Doc suspicious).
He watched her get into her car and drive off.
the way home, she noticed that the car was low on gasoline.
Which somewhat surprised her because she usually was more
attentive to such details.

she stopped at a rather rustic-looking service station.
Perhaps she should have stayed in her car with the doors locked
as she noticed (too late) the rather intimidating looks of the grizzled
men that came out to meet her.

she didn't and came out in all her beautiful glory.

you fill it up for me, please?" she politely asked.
of the men sneered at her
we'll ‘fill it up’ alright. But
not your car. Rather your
cunt, Bitch!"

laughed evilly and Pat got defensive.
But fight as she did, she could not keep them from ripping her
clothes off.

took turns holding her while the others hastily stripped off their own
clothes. Filthy hairy penises
pierced the air with rock-hard intent.

all of you!" she yelled as they forced her to the hard ground.

stones pushed into her flesh as they laid on top of her.

Then came what they had been frantically working
up to. The Rape and
Impregnation of their beautiful bronze-haired
captive …

she shrieked as the first big penis thrust its way up into her vagina
without mercy. "Oooowwwwww

groaned and dribbled slobber all over her face and neck as he shot his
vile load deep into her womb.
She felt tiny thick sticky streams
repeatedly squirt into her pussy.

soon as he pulled out, another immediately took his place.
me, baby! Fight me!" he
said. "It feels so good
when you fight me!"

she did too. But to no avail
as he pummeled
banged her without mercy, all the while grinning and
drooling like someone insane.

he finished, another took aim at her pretty neon-pink
mouth. The odor
of his wart-covered cock nauseated Pat as her lips
reluctantly opened to receive the foul invader.

there are always some nonconforming perverts who like their sex
different. In Pat’s case,
this meant her beautiful rounded buttocks.
Her ASS!!

In a Parallel Universe ...

they exhausted themselves and just sat naked on the ground giggling
as Pat angrily got to her feet. Sperm
and saliva were glistening all over her used body.

grabbed her torn clothes and dashed to her car.
She heard them ask "Do
you still want us to fill it up?" as she locked the door and
drove off madly.

( ... ... Page 107 ... ... ... )
soon …

Bitch-Whore gets Raped !
( ... ... Page 117 ... ... ... )
an idea," admitted Silky Joe. "Then
what’s our play? We’re
not safe staying here. Maybe
the bronze
mug has already tipped off his men to what he’s found out."
he hasn’t, they’re about to get that tip!" said Jingles with evil
meaning in his tone. He was
flipping silver coins in his pocket.
mean, Jingles, that we could use the big mug as bait?"
getting smart, Joe," grated Jingles.
"That’s just the idea.
Only I don’t need him for that.
I’ve got a few cards up my own sleeve."
There were more of the gang in room on another
floor of the building. They
were having their way with a tall feisty brunette.
She had proved to be quite a test for them as
they struggled with removing her clothes.

She fought like a wildcat as she was
unceremoniously passed from man-to-man.

Finally the inevitable came and she was spread-eagled
on the floor like a piece of virgin flesh.
They wasted no time in satisfying their beastial
urgings ...

Even when they themselves were exhausted, the
beautiful woman's torments continued ...

No degradation or humiliation was beyond the
men's imagination. The poor
woman looked up to see some panting dogs
hovering over her naked prone form.

The men laughed and cheered the dog on in its breeding
efforts with its human bitch.

In a Parallel Universe ...


( ... ... Page 130 ... ... ... )
was holding a very efficient automatic revolver.
explanation is adequate," said Doc.
"But now you are going home.
Your face is very dirty."
Pat’s happiest moments were when her face was dirty.
This usually happened when she became involved in Doc’s
No other men appeared as Doc led the way to the street.
Due to the wind on a steel skyscraper skeleton nearby, the
shooting of the Jingles Sporado mobsters had apparently attracted no
sedan was standing where it had been parked for him by Ham.
Seemingly, no one had been near the bulletproof car.
soon …

Savage is every man's Whore !
( ... ... Page 151 ... ... ... )
boys! Everything’s all
set! The black
may be a screwy idea. But
the Boss of it’s coming through. He’s
on his way now. Says he’ll
be here in less than 5 minutes!"
when it’s all over," said Silky Joe softly, "will he be
leaving with us?"
there might be an 'accident'," replied Jingles, calmly.
"One more body won’t make much difference when we finish
Joe looked at the bound Pat Savage.
He got an idea.

we are having a 'party' aren't we? And
what's a party without a whore?"

of them followed his eyes to Pat.
Their previous uneasiness was now replaced by maddened LUST.

enough of us here to handle her," Silky Joe said.
"Take off her ropes and that tape on her face."
man said: "But shouldn't we leave the tape on her mouth, Joe?
What if she screams?"
Joe laughed. "I like it
when a bitch screams when I'm porking
her. It ain't good if it's
too easy."
was okay with them as they cut off Pat's ropes and removed the tape from
her eyes and mouth. She had
heard their talk. She knew
what they were planning to do to her.

she immediately started fighting, kicking, and scratching.
But all it accomplished was to make them mad and further
invigorate their lust for her body.

the bitch!" one said. "She
scratched my face and it's bleeding."
improved it if you ask me," Jingles laughed.
we'll soon see how she likes my
dick up in her cunt!" he threatened.

with that, they formed an evil circle around Pat.
They started tossing her from man-to-man with each tearing a
segment of her clothes as he planted slobbery kisses on her pretty full neon-painted

they weren't ripping her clothes, their hands were groping and feeling
her up all over. Particularly
her tight crotch and firm buttocks.

the Bitch down now, boys," Silky Joe commanded.
"We don't have much time before the Boss arrives.
We may have to do her 2 at-a-time."
screamed as she was thrown down hard on the floor.

formed a ring around her to hold down her hands and spread her long bronze legs as they elected who
would go first.

Joe wanted to be first. He
didn't like "sloppy seconds".
And besides, he said he was the one that came up with the
grinned mockingly as he positioned himself on top of her well-toned
body. Drops of spittle
dripped from his leering mouth onto her face as his hands were guiding
his long vein-coated penis
to her tight vaginal opening.

"Uugghhhh!" he cried unexpectedly as he suddenly
rammed it into her. Pat
lost her breath. Otherwise
she would have shrieked because she felt that she was being impaled!

Joe started pumping with a maddened frenzy
as Pat groaned loudly with each thrust.
At times he would slow down … only to renew his rapid pace.
Her body was being tested to its utmost as it continued to
withstand his brutal attack.

prissy 5"
high-heels raised high in the air the moment she felt a large
burst of his semen
pop into her womb.

men saw this involuntary action and grabbed her ankles to force her legs
to continue up. They weren't
doing her any favors by keeping Joe's impregnating
sperm up in her cunt.

fat slobbery Jingles Sporado didn't waste any time after Silky Joe was
done raping Pat Savage. Even
before Joe had squirted the last drop of his impregnating
semen into her, Jingles was turning her body over to lie on her tummy.
He wanted her legs together.
He liked the feeling of his genitals on her buttocks as his short
fat penis penetrated her rectum.

that's just what he got, too! Pat's
head arched back as she felt his slimy organ bust
up through her tight anal orifice
and imbed itself. Jingles
didn't move it in-and-out much. Maybe
only an inch-or-two during his thrusts.
He seemed to like to keep it all the way in as much as possible.

was really discomforting to Pat having that fat thing jammed up her
well-toned butt. And it
tormented her more so knowing its owner was that fat greasy man who was slobbering
all over her and leaving "sucker-bites"
on her neck.

she didn't have long to wait before he erupted into her.
It came with a single spurt. No
secondary discharges at all. Once
only and Jingles was done with her.

up, boys, if you want your turn," Silky Joe said.
"The Boss will be here any minute!"
the rest of them did just that.

took her …

and Took Her …

and Took Her ...


In a Parallel Universe ...


they were done, they found her trademark lipstick in her purse and wrote
'WHORE' across her proud breasts.
One even wrote 'Baby'
on her tummy and drew a line from it down across her nearly hairless
crotch to point to her vagina.
To remind her that her 9-month
countdown has just begun. To
an uninformed observer, she looked like the poster child for a filthy
street prostitute.

pitiful and well-used, Pat asked if she could have a washcloth and some
water to clean herself up. She really wanted to get their semen out of her womb before it

chance, Bitch! But if you
want something to shower you, we'll help you out …"
by which all of them stood over the cowering Pat and promptly urinated
over her entire body!

But Pat Savage would recover from her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she escape future
rapes and gang-bangs????
( ... ... Page 149 ... ... ... )
4 men started talking together. Jingles
raised one hand.
this!" he rapped out. "Alla
you put your cash on the desk! We’re
having a party, understand? And
this is our little party!"
turned to his mobsters and said: "Bring in the others!
We’re ready for the pictures!"

Pat Savage's next peril comes in #47 -
"Land of Long JuJu" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS047XXX.htm
- Land of Long JuJu" <=MORE images are in the complete book
(zipped-pdf). Download,
un-zip, and keep it forever when this website no longer
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com