Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "He Could Stop The World" (zipped-pdf).
MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced
below. Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and "Extract
All"). Then you can have it forever long after this
website goes away.]

( ... ... Page 27 ... ... ... )
have to take up the matter of Ann Garvin later, Long Tom," he
announced. "Pat is
smart enough to possibly outwit this man.
I am much surprised that she was tricked."
the moment, he was thinking of Ann Garvin’s change-of-mind and of the
strange condition of Long Tom Roberts.
Perhaps Patricia Savage had been brought to change her mind too.
in a manner of speaking, that was true.
And Ann Garvin as well.
was not to be resolved (or revealed for that matter) what led the two
beautiful women to do what they did.
To let 'Randolph' use them as real-life sex dolls.

they did so willingly! That
was the amazing part. Almost
as if they didn't know what they were doing.

was ravishing
both of their well-developed bodies.
Pat's trademark neon-pink
lipstick became smeared on Randolph's face.

beautiful breasts were
sporting little "sucker-bites" where he had nibbled and chewed
on them.

both women giggled like teenage bimbos when he spread their legs and
began eating their pussies.

both girls also giggled when he spread their legs and began impregnating
their wombs with his rather large organ.

prissy 5"
high-heel pumps thrashed in the air as well as Ann's as
Randolph's vile semen gushed up into them and began leaking out their

he was still hard and erect, he just had to thrust
it into their tight rectums.
He knew it had to hurt, that they should be squealing
like pigs. And yet they just
giggled with every ramming stroke!

He knew it had to hurt, that they should be squealing
like pigs. And yet they just
giggled with every ramming stroke!

as to be expected, he couldn’t resist degrading their sexy soft mouths
as well …

it was hard to say what actually came over them to act as such willing

( ... ... Page 5 ... ... ... )

Pat Savage is a tramp to an Old Man and his Grandson !
( ... ... Page 56 ... ... ... )
Savage was observing the 2 young women closely.
He was watching Patricia especially.
The Man
of Bronze put
a sudden question:
you want to join us in helping solve this mystery,
Savage would walk barefooted in the snow up Park Avenue if she believed
it would carry her into an adventure!
now she shook her head apathetically.
don’t want to become involved," she stated.
"I’ve had enough excitement for one night.
I believe I’ll go home."
compelling flake-gold eyes caught
and held those of his cousin. She
sighed as if she were tired and sat down.
Pat was trying to forget an incident which happened
earlier to her. One which
reinforced the proverb that "no good deeds goes unpunished".
She had stopped to help an old man and his
teenage grandson carry groceries into their apartment.
The old man seemed to be having difficulty with
his share of the bags. Pat
was only too glad to offer assistance.
But she didn't notice the evil
glances being exchanged by the 2 perverts.
She was stunned as she turned around at the door
slam! and see both males fully naked and
"Now, you high-heeled harlot!" the
older man said. "You
will FUCK like your life
depends upon it!"
Pat grew defiant.
"Don’t touch me, you withered old goat!
And that includes your kid with the pint-sized pecker."
The grandpa's face grew mean with intent.
"That little
'pecker' as you call it is gonna be giving you a baby,
"Like hell it will!" swore Pat.
She fought like a tigress as they wrestled with
her and tore off her clothes.
The old man giggled as he slobbered all over her
pretty pink
mouth. The
feshman-aged boy got his first taste of ripe female breasts.
Then she was knocked down on the floor for their
more serious business. Both
of them licked their lips gazing down at that long-legged naked bronze beauty.
It wasn't long before she felt the boy's eager
penis ram its way up into her fertile womb.
The grandfather practically whipped the teenager
into going faster so that he would accumulate a massive seminal
load to spurt up into Pat.
And he did! Pat
felt every impregnating
Then the old bastard turned her quickly over on
her flat tummy.
"Now this is what I like, Junior.
I'm an ASS man myself!"
Pat found out quickly what he meant when his
stiffened wrinkled old dick started worming its way up her tight rectum.
"Damn … you …
to hell!" she groaned as he started plunging
in-and-out harder.
But if Pat thought the bastards were done, she
was very mistaken …
"Wait a minute, Grandpa," the boy said.
"Aren't we forgetting something?"
"What-the-hell are you talking about?"
the old man asked.
The boy pointed to his semen-coated penis and
then to Pat's mouth.
The old man promptly understood.
"Get on your knees, you goddamn Whore!"
he commanded Pat Savage.
Pat was not naïve.
She had been raped many times before.
She knew what was coming next …
In a Parallel Universe ...

Finally they were finished.
Still, they abused her some more …
…and then picked her up and tossed her out into
the hallway clothes-and-all.
She lay there for a moment looking quite like a
used street whore.
by a young Boy!]
But she resolved to put this quickly and forever out of
her mind. And definitely not
tell Doc Savage or any of the others.
( ... ... Page 97 ... ... ... )
can pick up nearly 500 mph with this ship," Doc told Professor
Archer. "That will get
us into Denver around daylight. But
I am convinced that those we are seeking will have reached Denver at
4-or-5 times our possible speed."
Doc Savage did not say
why he believed this.
he took the plane’s controls, he carefully removed a roll of
photographic film from a pocket and placed it in a tube compartment of
the plane’s cabin.
Doc had his reason for this action.
The film he had taken from the copper
bomb remained elsewhere on his person.
shortly …

Ann Garvin will be a "Wife" to Many !
( ... ... Page 101 ... ... ... )
"I will do what is best for Ann Garvin," stated Doc.
"She is now in my Headquarters."
"Then listen, Doc Savage,"
said Professor Randolph. "You cannot refuse to help in changing
Humanity. I tell you that I
can stop the World on its axis if necessary!
I can change the Arctic region to become tropical, multiply the
food of the World. I want you,
Doc Savage. You will find me
where …"
something stopped Professor Randolph abruptly.
A smothered, gurgling sound came over Doc’s receiver.
The shortwave contact was broken instantly.
up soon …

( ... ... Page 105 ... ... ... )
why did you not interfere in that Mint holdup?" demanded the
your own armed men could accomplish nothing, perhaps my own mind isn’t
so different from theirs," stated Doc.
"Anyway, there is now no further hope of overtaking the 3
armored trucks. You may find
the trucks. But that
will be all."
pointed upward.
Cylinder had touched the ground.
But now it was ascending.
became merely a blurred shell vanishing over the mountains to the
up next

pretty scientist Ann Garvin gets Sodomized
( ... ... Page 116 ... ... ... )
and Monk had instantly identified Patricia Savage.
She had been placed there only a few hours before.
young woman with Patricia was also very attractive.
Ham and Monk did not know she was Professor Ann Garvin.
and Monk also did not know that the pretty scientist had just been gang-raped.
her present stupefied form would not have betrayed that.
looked passive and dumfounded while strange hands undressed her.

same personages then undressed themselves, dropping their pants to
reveal anxious penises
of assorted sizes.

of them relieved their pent-up desires in Ann Garvin's pretty mouth.

were more depraved and brutally sodomized
the pretty woman.

were a few "conventional" souls that were content to take her
the typical way …
Flat on her back and legs spread-eagled like a whore
in heat.

They spent every sticky drop of semen up into her ravaged
womb. They patted each other on the back as she laid there
massaging her violated areas.

In a Parallel Universe ...

But her attackers weren't finished with her even
when they themselves were exhausted.

( ... ... Page 153 ... ... ... )
could see Johnny still working at the control board which must have
animated the brains of the motley crew of giants.
televisor wall showed the public square of the Empire City.
stunned by Long Tom’s superfirer were beginning to awaken.
stated Doc stepping close to Monk, "I will do what I can to have
you made into a giant."
One bronze
hand was buried in Monk’s furry neck for an instant.
up soon …

Pat and Ann enter a Sexual Dungeon !
( ... ... Page 164 ... ... ... )
Master shouted a command.
and his black-robed crowd moved swiftly out of the control room.
From one side, a machine-gun started blasting.
racketing snarl of the vicious weapon lasted only a few seconds.
But it was sufficient to topple the first line of the roaring giants. This held up the others.
Savage cried out. She was
being borne along with the Master’s men.
was also being raped at the same time!

had already undid most of her clothes.
Her perky 34-D breasts
already were attracting many hungry mouths.

neon-pink lipstick was rapidly
transferring off her soft lips to the tongues of the evil men ravaging
her. Her tits and pussy
were suffering similar lustful treatments.

struggled to spread her long legs. But
when they succeeded, they wasted no time ramming
their enlarged organs up her nearly hairless cunt.

and plunging, she screamed
as she felt many seminal eruptions flood her fertile womb.

felt the same thing when they sodomized
her rectum although the sensation was different.
It hurt just as bad.

oral rapes of her mouth
were more humiliating than painful.
Still she gagged having to swallow many vile loads of sticky goo-goo.

Pat Savage was undergoing, Ann Garvin had experienced a similar situation an hour-or-so prior
when she was briefly separated from the bronze-haired

ordeal was not from the brutish guards but rather from the more
“fatherly” scientific types. But
despite their higher IQ, they still possessed the same beastly
sexual desires as Pat’s rapists.

they were “kinkier” than what Pat’s assailants would later prove
to be (Ann would call it more perverse) because their initial interest
was not in Ann’s cunt but rather her firm rounded buttocks.

high-browed man-beasts were no less perverted than the lowly guards.
If she was unsure of that before, Ann was quickly certain of it
now when she was forced to suck their nasty organs.

Ann thought they had forgotten about her pussy, she was naively
mistaken. Apparently the
fatherly scientists were withholding prior ejaculation in anticipation
of that.

In a Parallel Universe ...

would take Ann Garvin longer to recover psychologically from her Gang-Rape
than Pat Savage.

course, the primary concern of both young women at the time was in
seeking out “morning-after”
birth control pills to avoid conceiving the brat of some perverted
with each girl encountering so many men, how
could they tell who the father

But Patricia Savage would recover from her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she escape future
rapes and gang-bangs????
Pat Savage's next peril comes in #55 -
"The Feathered Octopus" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS055XXX.htm
- The Feathered Octopus" <=MORE images are in the complete book
(zipped-pdf). Download,
un-zip, and keep it forever when this website no longer
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com