Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "Devil on the Moon" (zipped-pdf).
MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced
below. Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and "Extract
All"). Then you can have it forever long after this
website goes away.]

( ... ... Page 31 ... ... ... )
Pretti's movement through the woods did not go totally undetected,
happened to be some African-American
men hiding in them as well. Apparently
they were fugitives on the lam from the Law.
anxieties were temporarily abated when they saw the woman. At
that point their fears were replaced by those of primal LUST!

almost walked directly into them. They
didn't have to move an inch.
suppressed a startled shriek because she also was on the run from
her own captors.

what we have here," one of the black men said.
"Some nice white pussy!"
grew apprehensive. "What
do you want?"
said "Just a piece of your white
ass, bitch!" and started taking off his pants.
companions did the same thing. They
had Lin surrounded.

Please don't!" she begged.
"I'm trying to escape from somebody.
I don't want them to catch me!"
replied: "Then you better be good to us, baby.
Else we will tell the world that you are here.
We want to FUCK your
brains out!"
no …" she said and resigned herself to letting them strip off her

now, baby, it's time to hit the ground and spread your legs.
All your daddies
are here and we got to make
some babies!"

of them kneeled down to position himself between Lin's spread-eagled
thighs. He displayed a
monstrous black penis.

is all for you, baby!" he cooed as he inserted it into her small
vaginal opening.

she cried softly as he pushed it all the way in.
She felt like screaming her lungs out but didn't dare because of
fear of giving away her location to her pursuers.

groaned as he pumped
away in her until he finally exploded gobs of semen
in her womb.

by his impregnating effort, he rolled off her to be replaced instantly
by another assailant. His
equally disgusting penis
sought satisfaction in Lin Pretti's luscious lips.

forced her head back-and-forth as she gagged and choked on the invading

his turn, the third black man pushed Lin Pretti back on the ground and
rolled her over on her flat tummy.
massaged her rounded buttocks
as his vile penis got harder and harder.

warning, he rammed it straight into her anal
seemed to go the entire length of her rectum in a heartbeat!
The sudden sharp pain
almost paralyzed Lin's vocal cords and stopped her from breathing

It seemed to go the entire length of her rectum in a heartbeat! The
sudden sharp pain almost paralyzed Lin's vocal cords and stopped her
from breathing momentarily.

held onto her breasts like he was riding a horse in a rodeo.
He moaned and cursed and moaned as he sodomized
her without mercy.

In a Parallel Universe

they were finished, they redressed themselves and limped off into the
woods leaving Lin Pretti disheveled and looking like quite the used whore.

But she eventually recovered and composed herself
to resume her flight from her previous captors.
( ... ... Page 51 ... ... ... )
Lin Pretti is a Sex Slave !
( ... ... Page 64 ... ... ... )
until Doc pricked her arm and Monk (he carried a portable chemical
outfit wherever he went) made an analysis of the girl’s arterial fluid
did the truth come out.
Her system has been made immune to truth
Just as regular usage of many drugs can make the user
comparatively immune, so had this girl evidently been made impervious to
truth serums.
I can’t understand such a thing!" attractive Pat Savage gasped.
"Spies," Doc said quietly, "of many nations now receive immunization from truth serums as
part of their training."
If her system had not been immune to truth serum,
Lin Pretti might have revealed what had happened to her during her
training as an espionage agent.
Her beauty
was an asset to glean secrets from foreign nationals.
But she always ran the risk of being discovered
and tormented to find
out what she knew.
Part of her training was to become immune (as
much as possible) to forced sex rapings.
Men (most of the time they were convicts
or homeless males) would be paid to have their way with the beautiful
female in an attempt to pry information out of her.
She tried to get used to foul mouths planting
slobbery kisses on her pouty lips.
And those same mouths sucking mightily on her
perky full breasts and
licking her juicy pussy.
She tried to self-hypnotize herself once
disgusting-looking penises
started finding their way up her tight and always-unlubricated vaginal
She forced her mind to go blank as loads of semen
were emptied into her pretty mouth.
But she could never satisfactorily manage the
pain and humiliation that accompanied her anal sodomizations.
In a Parallel Universe ...

They had to condition her against ALL
humiliations including age mismatch ...
And of course, there were always some
"unconventional" torments …
Such were the prerequisites for serving her
country as a spy.
… Pregnated!]
( ... ... Page 115 ... ... ... )
a short time, fire apparatus, police, and a squad of Marines arrived
from the nearby Navy yard. There
was a great deal of uproar, shouting, and rescuing of people.
The submarine sank in shallow water where it could easily be
raised again.
followed, then the arresting of ex-sailors turned pirates.
But fully half of Lurgent’s hirelings escaped.
up soon …

Pat Savage gets Gang-Banged
( ... ... Page 119 ... ... ... )
plane carrying Patricia Savage was barely in the air when 3 eager men
approached her.
back with us to the cargo bay, baby.
We want to show you something."
Pat would not have been overly concerned.
But the word "baby" heightened her apprehension.
Still, they had guns pointed at her and she really had no choice
but to accompany them.
dainty 5"
high-heels tap-tap-tapped
their way along the steel floor.

cargo compartment was nearly empty of anything.
Pat couldn't imagine what they wanted her to see.
But she soon found out.
and hit the floor, Bitch! And
spread those goddamn legs!
It's baby-making time!!!"
Pat's heart momentarily stopped as she couldn't
believe her ears. But she
knew they were speaking the truth because already their pants were
coming off to reveal evil-looking erect penises of
different sizes.

course she tried to resist and fight them.
The encounter was stale-mated for a good 30 minutes until all her
strength was exhausted and her body fell into their arms.
They held her up while they undressed her.
"Oooohhh!"-ed and "Aaahhhh!"-ed
when they saw her fabulous perky 34-D
breasts. Each of them
couldn't wait to get their hungry mouths on them.

ripped off her dainty French bikini panties.
But they left her virgin-white garter belt on with her expensive
silk stockings. She was
quite a vision standing there naked on 5"
high-heel pumps as they laid her down on the cold
steel floor.

of them held her arms down while the third got between her legs.
He had no problem keeping them apart.
He raised her knees up, however, so that her well-toned thighs
would be pressed against the sides of his chest.
now, Slut. Big Hank is gonna give you somethin' you ain't never gonna

He didn't know that in her pursuit of Adventure with Doc Savage’s
group, Pat had unfortunately been raped and gang-banged many times.
So she was not technically a "virgin", her hymen having
been torn when she was barely out of her teenage years (see "Brand
of the Werewolf" #011XXX).

Still, she had some remarkable ability for her body to heal itself.
In doing so, any vaginal or rectal passageways that had been
brutally stretched-out had quickly returned to their original tightness.
For all practical purposes as far as the pain and bleeding went,
she was still a "virgin".
was BIG. Both stature-wise
and his male organ. 11"
long and 2" thick. Nasty-looking
with stubbly hairs all over it.
me some luvins while I poke
you, baby."

that he meant that he wanted Pat to make love to him with lots of
passionate kissing.
That disgusted her! But
he was able to hold still her twisting evasive head so that his hard
mouth pressed hard on Pat's soft plump neon-pink
lips. She emitted
muffled groans as he slobbered on
them and forced his tongue in to join with hers.

was so consumed by this action that she didn't feel his penis plunge into her vagina until it was too late.
And then she screamed despite him still kissing her.

BIG organ didn't seem to care that she was tight and unlubricated.
It just rammed
and tore away in her womb, plunging
and thrusting like a

was most thankful when he finally exploded
into her. Huge gobs
of viscous semen oozed up
into her cunt.

She thought
her ordeal was over until she realized there were still 2
more men to service.
bastards!" she cried out as one kneeled down over her defiant
breasts. "I hope you
all burn and rot in Hell!"

newcomer didn't pay any attention to her threats as he started rubbing
his own raping organ between her boobs.
Those full fleshy mounds made it come even more erect.
He moved up her chest to rest it on her chin.
Her mouth
was his target …

gunpoint she was forced to open her lips
and accommodate that foul-smelling things.
He initially was pumping in-and-out like Big Hank had done to her

But as he was
nearing climax, he started masturbating it with his hand.
That caused a heavy load of jizz
to plop into her mouth and down her throat.

coughed and choked on it. When
he pulled out, his penis was colored pink
by her lipstick.

last man promptly rolled her over on her flat tummy
(she had only a 22-inch waist). He
spat on 3 of his grubby fingers and had the others spit on them as well.

parted her buttocks with one hand as the fingers on the other went into
her anal orifice and tried to spread it apart.
She groaned at this humiliation.
They laughed.

placed his knees on both sides of hips and guided his stubby organ up
into her very tight rectum.
shrieked as he started grinding
away. He seemed to be
pumping more rigorously than even Big Hank.

held her high-heels
in either hand as he came inside her.
Even though it seemed like his splurge finished in 10 seconds, he
did not remove his now-growing-limp organ for another 5 minutes so good
did it feel up in her.

they got off, she pitifully asked for a rag and some water to clean
herself out.
no, Slut!" Big Hank said. "You
might have little Hank Jr.
inside your cunt. He's my
little fucker-boy. When he gets
his first hard-on, I'm going to show him how to rape
his mommy and make a little bitch-girl.
Then both of us will rape her!"

In a Parallel Universe ...

continued. "But we're
not done with you yet. We
still have another hour-or-so to fly."
laid her back down and removed one of her prissy
5" pumps. He
began rubbing her "G-spot" in attempt to make her orgasm.
for me, baby!"
he saw that it wasn't working, he <slapped> her hard a couple of
times! "Guess this will
have to do…”
He found some sort of hard stick-like object
and wedged it up in her cunt.
"Now boys, doesn't that look like a
in heat!"

( ... ... Page 139 ... ... ... )
Doc finally had to breathe in, it was as if fumes stronger than ammonia
had gone into his lungs.
a roaring
came into his ears and a tiny crackling,
after which his heart seemed to pump blackness into his eyes and keep
pumping until all his being was filled with dizzy sepia.
barely felt the hardness of the floor when he fell against it.
Pat Savage's Perils aren't over yet !
( ... ... Page 142 ... ... ... )
didn't tell Doc how she came to know her way around.
And she never would. It
was too embarrassing and shameful.
had been taken by her captors to various huts.
In each of them, she was ordered to strip
off most of her clothes. Most
of the time she had to this slowly to entice and excite the inhabitants
of the huts. But sometimes
-- especially when she was in a hut occupied by guards only -- she was forcibly
stripped and roughly manhandled.

these guard huts, she was savagely raped and thoroughly ravaged
by sex-crazed men. Every
orifice in her body was well-used over-and-over by all.

She had to clean herself up after each assault to
be "presentable" to her next attacker.

She began to be so sore that she was walking
slightly bow-legged on her dainty 5"
high-heels (they
would not let her take those off).

it was different in the huts that housed fellow prisoners.
These were people (some highly placed in society) that had been
abducted like her.
one, a fatherly-type pastor
cringed as he watched Pat do her dirty strip-tease
at gunpoint. The guards
wanted to see the church stalwart impregnate the pretty bronze
woman. If he refused, they
said that they would shoot both of them.

felt as shameful as he did as she removed her bra exposing her proud
full 34-D breasts. Someone
had previously written 'WHORE"
across them with her lipstick.
still he did not make a move until the guards told him: "Start sucking
on them. Like you are a baby
trying to draw milk."
Reluctantly under gunpoint, he started to do
just that. Pat offered them
up to him, even holding them up her hands so it
would be easier. She softly
moaned as he made little sucking
sounds. Saliva dribbled out
of his mouth.

whore is enjoying it too much, Pops.
Start biting on those babies.
And I mean I want to see some damn teeth
paused … then did as he was ordered when he saw them put a gun nozzle
up Pat's butt. Just an
inch-or-so. But enough to
get her squeamish.

uttered little shrieks as his teeth left little "sucker-bites"
all over her lovely breasts and their nipples.
The guards moved his hands around to grab her firm buttocks as he

let's make some babies,
Pop. Don't be shy.
Everyone else around here has fucked this stuck-up
was hard to figure out what came over him then.
What transformed him from a repentful shy preacher to an aggressive
dirty old man. He had
thought she was a virgin. He
hadn’t previously known that she "let" so many men use her.
she was a common whore after all.
In which case he now didn’t feel so guilty.
actually assisted the guards in knocking Pat down on the hut floor (much
to her surprise and their delight).
They spread her legs and held her soft thighs up for him.
Her fancy 5"
high-heels were well above his head as he started his 10"
organ toward her vaginal orifice.

Father! What a big cock you
have," the guards said approvingly.
didn't say a word. He
actually looked mean as he stared hard into Pat's pitiful eyes.
Like maybe she really was a prostitute willingly giving
herself to any man or beast.
suddenly jerked
and thrust
his penis very hard into Pat's soft cunt.

she complained at the spearing effort.
he was nonattentive to any of her protests as he faster-and-faster plunged
in-and-out of her womb.

could not stand the insanity any longer.
She did something that was very foreign to her.
She wanted the dirty old man to get it over with.
She put her arms around him and gave him a long
wet kiss.
misinterpreted that. She must
really be a whore
after all, he determined. Such
a person deserved to be with child and be forced to stay at home to care
for her brat.

the senile pervert erupted inside her. And
he reached under her nubile thighs and lifted her legs high in the air
to make sure his inseminating fluid stayed deep in her fertile womb.
It greatly impressed the overlooking guards who were cheering

could feel blob-after-blob of impregnating semen splat
up in her. So much of it
that even her cunt couldn't contain it all when he pulled out.
It was slowly pouring out of her to collect on the hut floor.
It smelled
very foul.

were other prisoners that had Pat as well.
One was a college professor.
Another was a highly-regarded surgeon. Yet most of them were just misfits.

There was even a midget

He initially was
forced to sodomize (anal sex)
her but was ordered to expend his seminal load into her vagina.
He even forced her torn underwear up
her cunt to prevent any seepage. The
guards glowed in the thought of Pat giving birth to a midget.

In a Parallel Universe ...

of the prisoners had a son that was kidnapped along with his father when
the latter was walking their pet dog.
under gunpoint, the stunningly beautiful bronze
woman was ordered to let the teenage
boy try to impregnate her. It
was most embarrassing for her!

went temporarily insane when the guards then ordered her to spread
her legs for a dog!
She rebelled this at this until she succumbed to strong
was a “Main Event” at the compound.
Other prisoners were forced to watch the lovely Pat
“entertain” the 4-legged beast.

together including the guards, the beautiful bronze
beauty Pat Savage was raped 2-dozen
times in 2 days. And
still her body always seemed to recover and "tighten" itself
up again almost as if she were an eternal virgin.
was incredible! She was a

the Daddy?]
But she didn't tell Doc Savage any of this.
Patricia Savage would recover from
her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she escape future
rapes and gang-bangs????
Pat Savage's next peril comes in #63 -
"The Motion Menace" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS063XXX.htm
- The Motion Menace" <=MORE images are in the complete book
(zipped-pdf). Download,
un-zip, and keep it forever when this website no longer
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com