Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "Worlds Fair Goblin" (zipped-pdf).
[Note: MORE Images are shown in
the downloaded book than are reproduced below. Download the book
and unzip (i.e., right-click and "Extract All"). ]

( ... ... Page 47 ... ... ... )
From outside on the warm night air came a sound
that held every other occupant of the room rigid.
A sound like nothing
was a guttural chuckling.
And the volume of the sound was enough to vibrate through
the whole room.
yelled: "That … that …
It’s the same sound I heard that Goblin of a thing
up soon …

Pat Savage and Kay Uppercue are Gang-Raped
( ... ... Page 49 ... ... ... )
grinning-faced man then took an apple from his pocket … polished it on
his sleeve … and calmly took a bite.
more "diplomats" jumped into the cell room from just outside
the doorway. Like their
leader, they were arrayed in tails and high silk hats.
They could have been easily mistaken in a crowd for a committee
of visiting representatives of a foreign power.
up close, they had faces that would have terrified babies.
men grabbed Pat Savage and the girl with her … quickly placed gags in
the girls’ mouths … and pushed them ungently toward the door.
thug asked: "Take them to the regular place, Lonesome?"
said the leader, pausing a moment in his apple chewing.
“But first, let’s have a little fun.”

men took each girl.
Uppercue and Pat Savage bit, scratched, and hit anyone they could as
they fought to keep the vile mobsters off them.
But all their actions did was anger the men further.

stuck-up bitches!” Lonesome screamed.
“Now you will learn some respect for your Masters!”
used wrestling holds on the twisting girls as they crudely started
tearing their tight-fitting clothes.

firm 34-D breasts were
spilling out of her flimsy brassiere before Kay’s were exposed.
The sight of these greatly increased the men's lust.

“Look at those babies!” cooed Lonesome.
“I gotta get me a taste …”

with that, his fat lips angrily enclosed on Kay’s pouty defiant lips
and breast. Obscene slobbery
sounds emanated indicating lots of spent saliva.

was enduring hungry mouths on her full lips.
Her carefully-applied expensive lipstick
was being smeared all over her face by repeated gross kisses.
Serpenty tongues were
worming into her mouth seeking out her own tongue.
About this time, sweaty twitchy hands started squeezing and
prodding Pat’s perky breasts.

‘em down,” commanded Lonesome. “Then
knock ‘em up!”
girls were punched in their tummies (Pat had a tiny 22-inch waist) and
then thrown onto the hard floor. Hands
quickly pinned their arms down and spread their legs wide by the ankles.

Already the men had dropped their pants to reveal
disgusting-looking male organs
of various sizes. They had
one thing in common. They
all stank as if they hadn’t been washed in a month!

Uppercue wasn’t quite as strong as Pat Savage.
So the men on her succeeded quicker in raising her thighs
to allow one of them to position himself against her crotch.
Her underwear had been ripped away leaving only a garter belt
holding her silk stockings up.
took a little longer. But Pat’s frail French bikinis were
finally torn away. She was
not wearing a garter belt – only thigh-top hose (just like whores
wear). Their 5"
pumps were flailing away in the air as both of them knew what
was coming next.

rapists lost little time in inserting their penises into her tender womb.
Nor did they even spit on the vile organs to provide any bit of
lubrication. It was just a
dry savage
shrieked and squealed and cried as
shaft-after-shaft repeatedly violated her privates before emptying a
huge load of semen.

did not fare any better although she put up a better resistance.
But in the end, her stronger muscles only added to her pain as
they succumbed to the greater force of maddened lust. Her
tender pussy felt like baseball bats were being rammed up in it!

They continued to hold her bronzed
thighs up with her 5"-heels
kicking the air in vain as smelly baby-making
sperm gushed deep inside her.

was coaching the men as he supervised the gang-rapes.
When one of the girls seemed to resign herself to the situation
and her resistance subsided, the men were ordered to start biting
breasts and planting “sucker bites” on their necks along with a few
facial <slaps>.
not good if it's too easy," reminded Lonesome.

Kay and Pat were turned over with the man now on the bottom, his penis
still imbedded in their wombs. Another
man would then lay on the women’s exposed backside with his organ
seeking out the girls’ tight anal

Kay and Pat seemed to yell at the same time.

continued to squeal for another 30 minutes until they felt
a sudden foul squirt
in their rectums.

onlooking Lonseome couldn’t take it anymore.
He instructed his men to raise both the women up in a sitting
position. Pat and Kay were
held that way as Lonesome dropped his pants to reveal a thick
smelly penis covered with herpes-type warts.
As the girls protested, he shoved that monstrosity into each of
their dainty mouths. Pat’s
lipstick and Kay’s red
lipstick created new colors on Lonesome’s organ.

he was able to exercise enough self-control that his semen load was
equally divided between Pat and Kay.
They nearly choked trying to swallow
massive spurts of it.
course, some of it escaped going down their throats and leaked out to
mix with their lipstick and form a slimy mess over that portion of their face.
But it was quickly “washed” away (or at least diluted) as
Lonesome promptly urinated
over their face, their hair, and their ravaged breasts.

In a Parallel Universe

guys,” Lonesome ordered. “Get
these filthy whores
out of here!”

( ... ... Page 87 ... ... ... )
said without a break in his vibrant flow of words: "Drop that
deadly .45 in the hand of the surgeon slipped to the floor.
Uppercue strained against his bindings.
His words were hardly those of a hypnotized man.
did it, Doc Savage!" Uppercue shouted.
"You’ve hypnotized him!"
soon …
the whores Kay Uppercue and Patricia Savage get it Again !
( ... ... Page 95 ... ... ... )
girls, Doc!" Monk piped.
"Daggonit, they’ve got Pat and that nifty little brunette
hidden some place! And maybe
said significantly: "The only reason this hairy
mistake was worrying about being drowned just now was because he
hasn’t had a chance to date that Kay Uppercue!"
grumbled: "There’s somethin’ subtle about that crack, shyster.
I …"
said: "Temporarily, I believe the girls wherever they are safe.
That masked surgeon thinks that Kay Uppercue knows something. He
doesn’t dare harm her. And
Pat can take care of herself."
at that moment the girls were far from being "safe".
And Pat Savage certainly wasn't taking "care of
herself" let alone Kay Uppercue.

women had been shackled to a wall. Always
feisty, Pat was the more vocal of the two in sounding off against her

it was that very feistiness which caused the 5
men to give all their attention to the bronze-haired

Pat started to scream as a foul mouth enclosed over her pretty
lips and stifled any more outburst.
Wet kisses sucked on those lips as slobber found its way into her
mouth by way of his tongue.

mouths were chewing on her neck and biting her 34-D
breasts while evil fingers were probing her vaginal and anal
openings. They were being
thrust in-and-out as far as their finger lengths would go.
Pat could only utter a muffled "Aarrggggg…"
as the obscene kissing


hands were tied high at the sides to the wall.
Her long legs in thigh-hi
silk stockings were left free to squirm.
The way that they had her bound made it difficult for her legs to
touch the floor despite wearing prissy 5"
high-heel pumps.

Whore! Let's see how
good you are. Let's see if
you can accommodate all Five
of us. Three times
each, that is!"

with that, the mass
gang-rape/gang-bang started on the bronze
beauty. Foul-smelling penises
of assorted sizes thrusted
their way into Pat's vagina, mouth, and rectum.
Sometimes singly. Sometimes
2- or even 3-at-a-time. But
always degrading and painful
(especially in her butt).

moaned and squealed like a pig-slut as untold amounts of hot
sticky semen lined the inside cavities of her body as well
as coated the outside of her mouth, tummy, and long legs.

Whore!" "Filthy
Cunt!" were
all that she heard as they violated her over-and-over.

the end, each of the 5
men had taken her 3 times
as promised. Once in her vagina, once in her
mouth, and once in her rectum!

Kay Uppercue was not to be forgotten during the mass-raping
of Pat Savage. She
too received lustful attention from the

In a Parallel Universe ...

women were finally left squealing with hard
objects jammed in their cunts.
It prevented the impregnating semen
from leaking out.

[knocked-up Whore]
[Impregnated Bitch]
But Patricia Savage would recover from her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she escape future
rapes and gang-bangs????
( ... ... Page 131 ... ... ... )
Uppercue was so distraught … so downhearted … that she sat numbly
when 3 henchman suddenly picked up her and the chair and took her into
an adjoining chamber. They
shut the door behind them. The
room was well insulated and mostly soundproof.
not finished with you, baby," one cooed at her.
"All this excitement has made us sort of horny if you know what I mean."
evil faces were grinning with anticipated delight.

Kay just looked blankly at them and resigned herself to the inevitable.
They removed her bonds.

ugly penises
revealed themselves as the men's pants fell to the floor.

didn't resist as her clothes were rapidly and methodically removed.
She looked quite enticing in her frail brassiere and panties.

And then they also were stripped off leaving her nakedly

been through this before, Bitch," one said.
"You know what to do.
Now hit
the floor and spread those
goddamn legs of yours!"
did as they commanded …

those knees up, baby," an unsavory man said as he squirmed in
between her soft thighs. "Let
me in, damn you! I gotta CUM

uttered a low groan as he rammed
his frightdul organ deep into her pussy in a single plunge!

He pumped and pumped and pumped until he achieved a shattering orgasm.

had to orally make
love to the next one. Her
plush lips
kissed the fat thing and her mouth softly caressed and gulped down its slimy discharge.

last act was the most painful and was the one that brought her out of
her state of remorse. This
occurred when a long veiny penis thrust
itself deep into her bowels before finally(!) coating her tight rectum
with its sticky goo-goo.

In a Parallel Universe ...


But her nightmare was not yet over.
Something even more humiliating was about to happen to her.
She saw several nerdy teenage boys admiring her abused
naked body. To her horror,
they were also naked. And
they were frantically masturbating their small penises!

"Oh no ..." she muttered under her breath.
Her fears were quickly justified as they swarmed
all over her.

But what was worse was that at the urging of the
men, they donned large dildos so
they could increase the torment of their beautiful woman whore.

"You little
bastard!" she screeched as another inexperienced youngster
brutally rammed his
artificial penis deep into her sore pussy.

Finally all the attempted impregnations
were over. She slowly composed and redressed herself and
allowed them to tie her back on the chair.
Her head held down in disgrace as they moved her back into the
room with the others.

( ... ... Page 152 ... ... ... )
he piped. "That
Lonesome had Habeas locked in a closet up there.
So I took a swing at that grinning ranny with that tube
thing. I guess … Well,
hell! I guess I busted it
all to bits!"
is just as well," he said. "I’m
afraid the accumulator’s possibilities were too great.
And also too dangerous.
With its unlimited stored power, it would have always been a
treasure sought by men like Mandroff."
Savage was slightly holding well-dressed Ham’s arm.
She still looked a trifle frightened though her lovely gold
eyes were bright.
Pat was subdued, almost dead on her feet.
She acted like she was keeping a secret to herself.
Which she was …
She had been RAPED
Many men seemed to have no other goals in life
than to ram their vile penises
into every orifice of the bronze
beauty's body that they could.
In a Parallel Universe ...
Their desire to torment the beautiful bronze-haired
woman continued even after they were exhausted …
And even when the men were completely exhausted,
Pat's perils were not finished yet.
For suddenly appearing before her horrified eyes
were college
freshman-aged boys.
All were naked. They
looked small in stature, belying their true age. And all
had stiff little penises from masturbating
while watching her getting gang-banged.
"You bastards!
You evil perverted bastards!" she screamed at the men.
"Keep those juvenile degenerates away from me!
I'll kill them, I swear it!"
"Shut your mouth, Bitch," a crusty old man
laughed. "You're not
only going to be the girlfriend
of each of them. You're also
going to be their mother!"
They can't wait to start sucking milk from those big perky tits
of yours."
At first, it wasn't too bad.
As sore as she was from the rapes she received from the men, the
boys had too small a penis to hurt her.
That is until ...
Then the realization hit her!
They were going to make the boys like them.
At least size-wise. Pat
was horrified watching those hard giant rubber penises coming for her!
Then it was over.
The boys were sleepy now and the men were all laughing watching
the beautiful bronze-haired
woman twitching and flopping around like a fish out of water.
[Who's the Daddy?]
Pat Savage's next peril comes in #79 -
"Poison Island" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS079XXX.htm
- Poison Island" (complete book zipped-pdf)
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com