Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "The Spotted men" (zipped-pdf). [Note:
MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced
below. Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and
"Extract All"). ]

( ... ... Page 25 ... ... ... )
driver passed something back over the seat.
By twisting a little, Pat Savage was able to see the piece of
swept over her taut slender body.
driver finished. "She
left this note for Doc Savage."
The leader named Wart glanced at the note.
For the first time, something that resembled a grin touched his
gloomy features.
He said: "I sorta figured
Doc Savage would be interested in this thing.
So now we’ll take care of him!"
he looked at the women.
then only at Pat.

first we're going to put you
in your place, Bitch!" he said menacingly.

car pulled off the road in some isolated patch of dense trees.
Wart ordered the other two men to drag a thrashing Pat Savage out
of the car. Molly Mason
could only look on in horror.

three of them removed Pat's binds to reattach them to the branches of a
tree. She was suspended in
that fashion although her legs still were touching the ground in prissy 5" high-heeled pumps.
They made sure her long legs were free to move.
They seemed to have reasons for that.

made protesting sounds through her gag as they began unbuttoning her
tight blouse and pulling her skirt off her 22-inch
waist. They only lowered her
French bikini panties to midway down her firm thighs.

think you know what's coming next, Whore," Wart said as he
and the other two started unzipping their pants.

being skinny and of various heights, each them owned a rather formidable-looking
penis. The shorter 9"
one was the thickest. The
other two (11" and 13") were thinner.

took turns sucking and chewing on her pouty 34-D
breasts. They couldn't
get enough of them, it seemed.

want you to bleed real good, Slut.
Bleed while we take your cherry!" he sneered.
He didn't know that in her pursuit of Adventure with Doc Savage’s
group, Pat had unfortunately been raped and gang-banged many times.
So she was not technically a "virgin", her hymen having
been torn when she was barely out of her teenage years (see "Brand
of the Werewolf" #011XXX).

Still, she had some remarkable ability for her body to heal itself.
In doing so, any vaginal or rectal passageways that had been
brutally stretched-out had quickly returned to their original tightness.
For all practical purposes as far as the pain and bleeding went,
she was still a "virgin".

was not surprised when her leg strength was not sufficient to keep them
from spreading them and positioning themselves in between.

Wart was first in the
raping line.
He grinned mockingly at her and rammed his steel-hard erection up into her unlubricated
vagina. By the way she was
squinting her eyes, he knew that she was "feeling it".

thrusted away for 30 minutes at least before relieving
himself. His accomplices
held Pat's legs out horizontally as he did in an effort to keep his impregnating slime inside her.
They pushed her firm thighs around his waist in a mock loving
embrace while her high-heels
scraped his buttocks with each pounding plunge.

finally withdrew in a loud sucking-popping motion.
Pat was silently groaning as she saw some minute traces of blood
on his cock.

other two didn't seem to want to incur Wart's potential wrath for mixing
their semen with his. Plus
he had already ripped off her panties and stuffed them up
into her cunt to prevent further seepage.
they focused on her gorgeous butt.

had to untie one hand briefly in order to swing her around so that she
was now facing the tree.

routine was always the same. One
would first use his hands to spread her buttocks apart so that the head
of his penis would just get inside her rectum.
Then his hands would reach around and hold onto her defiant 34-D

the painful sodomization would begin.
Her mascara was running down from tear-filled eyes as they
plunged away in her anal cavity. Showing
no compassion whatsoever, they rammed
and pounded it in her tiny rectum until they too exploded in a gooey

In a Parallel Universe

was standing there silently sobbing on wobbly 5"
high-heels as they were cleaning off their raping

undid her from the tree and re-bound her.
Dragging her back to the car, they seemed to change their minds
and looked lustfully at Molly
Wart said to the other two. “Why
the hell not! What’s good
for one goose is good for the other!”
yanked a horrified Molly out and started stripping off her clothes.

me go, you bastards!” yelled Molly as they swarmed in on her.
after we knock you up good &
proper, Bitch!” promised Wart.

squealed like a little
girl as slimy tongues parted her red
lips and grubby hands pawed her full

on!” one of the others implored. “Fuck
her now, Wart! Fuck her real
did not waste any time …

screams turned to pitiful groans
and Wart continued his maddened plunging
in-and-out of her small pussy.

… take that!” he
moaned. “And That!
And THAT, you fucking Whore!!”

wanted to prolong his ejaculation as long as possible so he switched
with his companions. And
Molly’s ravishment
continued …

part of her ordeal finally came to an end with one great

was regaining her normal breathing and gently massaging her ravaged
intimate areas as they rolled off her.
But they weren’t finished with her yet!

your knees, Slut!” commanded Wart.
“”It’s time your mouth
gave some luvins to your new Masters.”

was a cum-covered SLUT
when they finished erupting on her.

In a Parallel Universe

all that screwing and sucking had stimulated their bladders to where
they just had to pee!
And so …

on your feet, you filthy Whore!” Wart spat.
“Get back in the car and join that other whore.”

in the car, Pat Savage was trying to get to her small purse which
contained an emergency of 'morning-after'
birth control pills. Maybe
she could open the bottle with her teeth and gulp down some of them.
She surely couldn't "douche" herself out.
Wart had stuffed her panties up in her vagina to keep his baby-making
from escaping.

[impregnated Slut]
( ... ... Page 60 ... ... ... )
took one frantic look at the running madman … one glimpse of the
approaching, low-flying plane … then squealed: "Goshamighty!
Look out!"
indicated the black snout sticking over the cockpit of the
speeding plane.
The roar of the motor was loud in their ears now.
Mixed with it was the firecracker sound that bullets made coming from the black-snouted
machine-gun -- the gun that was manned by a flier in goggles and black
teenage Patricia Savage gets Interracially Raped !
( ... ... Page 62 ... ... ... )
was already growing dusk. In
the nearby woods through which Ham said the madman had disappeared, it
was dark. With the
light-scanner, Doc Savage soon picked up the trail of the mad millhand.
The trail led directly to the small landing field
where Pat Savage and Molly Mason had been seized by the 3 thin men.
If they could have seen the girls then, Pat's
earlier episode was giving her flashback memories of the time when she
as an 18-year-old gang-raped by a group of African-American males.
They giggled with eager eyes as they hurriedly
stripped off their clothes.
Teenage Patricia watched in horror as they proceeded
to rip her clothes off.
She was passed from man-to-man as their vile
tongues entered her painted lips and
hungry mouths feasted on her full mature breasts.
She redoubled her efforts to get free as the
first black penis thrusted its way up into her young pussy.
She screamed as black cocks
maddenly pounded in-and-out of her young fertile womb.
She gagged and coughed as many smelly cocks were orally raping her mouth.
She squealed
insanely as the alien feeling
of being anally sodomized
revealed itself.
In a Parallel Universe ...

Then they just left her lying there like a
worthless piece of discarded white meat.
( ... ... Page 84 ... ... ... )
captive in the van had obviously stated the truth when he said that
skinny little Wart perhaps already had that formula.
It was quite possible that a substitution had been made and that
new steel was being made from a formula that was not the real invention
of J. Henry Mason.
later after an examination of the steel plant’s impenetrable safe
located in its general offices, Doc Savage learned that the true formula
of 'T.3' had not been seized.
up soon …

Mason gets Gang-Raped
( ... ... Page 105 ... ... ... )
the distance -- along the stretch of beach -- could be seen the dark
outlines of what might be a wharf for the docking of boats.
But the overcast sky made any observation uncertain.
Ham, and Tink O’Neil had located the girl tied up in a small cabin
aboard one of the old oil tankers. This
was at the first wharf where Doc Savage had found Monk’s message.
Monk had come upon the car and later surprised the 2 skinny men
returning to it. The burly
chemist had been in the midst of a grand battle when other thugs closed
in. But the men had escaped
before Ham or Tink O’Neil could come to Monk's assistance.
they had found Molly Mason. And
the girl had breathlessly told of overhearing a conversation that
indicated Pat Savage and Molly’s father were being held aboard the new
oil tanker the Mary L.
And that the vessel had been moved to an obscure wharf that was 5
miles farther down the lake shore.
what Molly didn't tell them about -- what she was too ashamed to reveal
-- was what all had happened to her during her captivity.
had been a most unwilling Sex
vile men would torment the hapless girl at odd times …

then their torments would evolve into actions more sinister …

of Molly's bodily orifices were well used …

In a Parallel Universe ...

If all this wasn't enough degradation, the
perverted old bastards had still another humiliation card to play ...
Their equally perverted teenage
"Get over here, fucker-boys," one
grizzled rapist commanded. "You
all got some work to do. But
first, take all your clothes off. And
look what we got for you."
Their attention turned to a cowering Molly who
was trying to massage some feeling back into her ravaged body.
The boys seemed quite eager and interested.

"Gee, Pops," one college freshman-aged boy said.
"Is she for us? Really?"

"She sure as hell is," he replied.
"She's just another goddamn whore that is yours for the takin'."
All of the juvenile perverts started stripping.
Molly's eyes burned HATE
as she watched them masterbating to get small erections.

"Don't any of you touch me!" she
warned. "Haven't the
rest of you done enough to me already?"
Another old rapist answered.
"We gotta train these youngin's to be grow up to be like us,
"Plus," another added with an evil
grin, "we're not sure we got you knocked up."
The thought of being pregnant by one of
the men was terrifying. But
the thought of getting impregnated by one of these college-aged brats was absolutely horrible!
Still, she wasn't too worried about being
ravished like she was with the men.
After all, the boys were still growing and their small
organs were just that.
And then she saw ...
"Boys, it ain't good if it's too easy,"
a man said. "You're
still growin'. She won't
feel your peckers that much. So
slip these on while you're porkin' her.
But be sure to take 'em off before you shoot your junk
up in her."
Molly's eyes widened with horror as she saw huge strap-on dildoes being handed to the boys.
They were Bigger than those of the men
who had just raped her.

"Don't you dare put those things in
..." she started to say ...
... when an eager boy mercilessly rammed his strap-on hard into her cunt!

"You degenerate!" she screamed as the
large artificial organ reamed out her already sore vagina.
"I'll kill you!"
"Shut up!" said the boy as he
<slapped> her hard across the face.
"You're my whore
now! So keep your legs
spread wide for your new 'boyfriend'!"
And she did feel it when the little bastard
finally ejaculated deep up into her.

She didn't have time to rest before other fucker-boys
quickly took his place.

father would be shocked at the appearance of her.
"Daddy's little girl" now looked like a dirty
filthy pregnant WHORE!!!

[knocked-up Slut]
( ... ... Page 144 ... ... ... )
Doc Savage prowled along the dock. He
spent 10 minutes looking for the masked man.
him, the entire storage shed had burst into flames.
A slight breeze was blowing the fire toward the water.
And also toward the tugboat that was tied up there.
girl’s muffled cry came from the tug!
Savage leaped from the dock down to the narrow deck alongside the small
cabin of the sturdy-looking tugboat.
Already, flames
from the burning storage shed were working their way across the dry
planking behind him.
Bronze Man flung past the cabin
and jerked open doors of the crew’s quarters strung out along the
narrow side deck. He moved
through an open doorway and down a short iron ladder to the engine room.
Pat Savage -- her lovely face pale from hours of being tied up
hand-and-foot, her mouth covered with a gag -- lay on a bench in the
would never tell Doc Savage what happened to her.
What a gang
of 7 men
did to her taut slender body!

of the time the assaults were by one man at-a-time.
But sometimes two (in her cunt and mouth) and even three (cunt, mouth, rectum) took her simultaneously.

was missing all of her trademark neon-pink
lipstick. Most of
it was kissed or licked off.
Some of it blended with male saliva
and dried on her cheeks. Spent
sperm accumulated during oral sex
accounted for the rest of the disappearance.

In a Parallel Universe ...

breasts hurt from what felt like a thousand grubby hands mauled and
pawed and squeezed them. Teeth
marks had left their imprint on the 34-D
beauties. Drying stains
hinted at accumulated spent semen.

legs were starting to get a sense of feeling back after being repeatedly
stretched out as wide as her strong muscles would permit.
She still wore her pretty 5"
high-heels, however. Her
rapists seem to like that. They
said that "All whores wear heels when they have sex."

nearly-hairless cunt and anus had been leaking out large amounts of impregnating
slimy goop. But it was
almost dry now, a lot of it still up inside her most intimate voids.

stomach felt nauseated perhaps because of all the gooey sperm
she had to gulp down. And
suffer more she did when miscellaneous objects were forced into her
vaginal and anal openings.

perverted bastards even brought a large dog in to have sex with her. Its
breeding attempts would be the ultimate humiliation.

had redressed her (thankfully so Doc wouldn't see her naked and used!)
before they re-bound her. But
a final act of degradation occurred when a few would return to urinate
all over her clothes-and-all. Even
her hair and eyes got their share of the foul-smelling yellow liquid.

she really needed to do was give herself a thorough
take some anti-pregnancy "morning-after" pills to boot!
But she couldn't tell Doc Savage about that.

the Daddy??]
But Patricia Savage would recover from her sexual abuse. She had an unexplainable
remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight
again! But could she escape future
rapes and gang-bangs????
Pat Savage's next peril comes in #93 -
"The Awful Dynasty" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS093XXX.htm
- The Awful Dynasty" (complete book zipped-pdf)
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com