DOC  SAVAGE :  #94 - "The Men Vanished"

The Perils of Patricia Savage       

        The material below are considered ADULT hardcore XXX in most communities.

                 The material depicts Forced-Sex role-playing fantasies and artwork.

                            We certainly do NOT condone this in REAL-LIFE  ...

                                  ... only as "games" between consenting Adults.


                        We also do not display any child pornography photographs.


      The actors and actresses in the rehearsed photos are over 18 (see here for a list of

      sites from where they were extracted).  The anime/hentai/cartoon/3D images depict

      sexual fantasies of many Adults and -- as strictly drawings of erotic art -- are

      harmless and (at one time) were not subject to any legal restrictions (see here).


      (But having stated that, if any image is judged to be illegal by a newer law, please

        contact me at and it will be removed.  All of these images

        were retrieved from "free" public (i.e., non-paysite) websites.  Some have a massive

        collection from fake-celebrity-sex to BDSM to incest to bestiality images [such as ].  I assume that if these somewhat-realistic images were illegal, the

        legal authorities would have had them removed a long time ago.  But they are

        still there and so I am using them here and saving you a lot of web-surfing time.)


       If you are under 21 or are not permitted to view such material by the laws of 

               of your locality/community ,  or if you have difficulty separating reality

          from Adult fantasies, or if you are offended in general by Adult sexual themes,

                                  you are NOT permitted to go any further here and


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   Parents - protect your children from ADULT content with these services:

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"The Perils of Patricia Savage"



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     Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure.  Though Doc strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys.  Now they had to rescue Pat.


     What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped her.  Many images are included with the text.  These are NOT FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex theme.


      The Adult images that accompany the XXX material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes , Twistys , HotPornStars , , and .


     The fantasy XXX material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at and those wicked and talented BDSM erotic artists at and




     This is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at 094XXX - "The Men Vanished"  (zipped-pdf).    [Note: MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced below.  Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and "Extract All").   ]


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       ( ... ... Page 19 ... ... ... )


Both the driver of the gray car and the fellow who alighted had pulled transparent hoods over their heads.  These -- while by no means gas masks -- would nevertheless keep out the tear gas.  A man could exist on the air inside the hood for a few minutes.


The 2 men -- the vender and the one from the gray car -- seized Pat Savage.


Pat screamed!  The vender struck her on the jaw.  She was promptly knocked-out.


They hurled Pat into the car … piled in after her … and the machine jumped away from the curb.


If they had an ulterior reason for abducting her, it would have fooled an onlooker.  Because Pat hadn't been in the car 15 seconds before the 2 swarthy men began savagely tearing her blouse open and grossly fondling her perky 34-D breasts.




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They layed her down on her back on the car seat and bunched up her tight-fitting business skirt around her 22-inch waist.


She was wearing a frail-looking pair of French bikini panties and a virgin-white garter belt attached to expensive silk stockings.  They didn't bother trying to remove those as they hurriedly spread open her slender long legs.




"Hey!  Don't forget that I'm gonna get me a piece too!" shouted the driver from the front seat.


One of them (the old fat one) replied: "Don't worry.  We'll switch with you when we're done with the whore."


He then got back to "business" with his companion who was carefully placing Pat's semi-naked body in a position that would be most convenient for their intentions.






And those intentions were quickly revealed when the disgusting-looking fat one rammed his equally-revolting long thick penis up into Pat's vagina!  He didn't even remove her panties, just the moving the crotch of them over to one side enough so he could get "it" in.




He furiously began pounding away at the unconscious bronze beauty's nearly hairless cunt.





Her prissy 5" high-heels involuntarily jerked with his every penetrating thrust as he finally brought himself to a violent climax deep in her fertile womb. 









A massive amount of vile impregnating slime shot up in her.









His accomplice half-lifted/half-pushed his fat body off the slender woman.


"Help me turn her over, dammit!" he yelled with mounting lust.  "I want her ASS!"




They rolled her over on her slender tummy and put a coat under it to help raise up her firm round buttocks.




"Now I'm gonna bugger the bitch!" he said as he entered her anus.


In a way it was good that Pat was unconscious because it spared her what had to be much pain from his maddened entry.


He reached under her to hold onto her full breasts as he "rode" her like a cowboy while he sodomized her.













His climax consisted of a series of mini-ejaculations in her rectum.





"Damn she was tight!" he said.  "But it still felt really good!"



After one of them exchanged places with the driver, the latter set out on his own task …


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… that being her pouty mouth.  Neon-pink lips fit tightly around his thick organ as he pumping in between them.









When he was nearing his own climax, he started masturbating which produced an overflowing amount of vile semen into her mouth, down her throat, and oozing out from her lips.














  In a Parallel Universe ...









     And even though they were finished raping their unconscious beauty, they were mad that it ended so soon.  They took their anger out on her ...
















They redressed her as best they could and then resumed their anxious escape into the night.


Pat was unconscious through the entire ordeal.  Therefore she didn’t know that she might be on her way to motherhood (pregnancy!).




     Pat was unconscious through the entire ordeal.  Therefore she didn’t know that she might be on her way to motherhood (pregnancy!).





[Knocked-up Whore]




             ( ... ... Page 54 ... ... ... )


The Bronze Man removed one of the colored glass caps -- the same type of a gadget as the so-called "invisible" eyeglasses obtained from opticians and particularly popular with actors -- with which he had disguised the flake-gold color of his eyes.


The cap was irritating his eye slightly.  He cleaned it carefully and replaced it.


The rest of his disguise -- the dye on his hair, his skin, and the spattering of dyed-on freckles -- were giving no trouble.


The gum padding in his cheeks which had the effect of widening out his face was mildly disturbing at times.  But he left it in place.


Coming up next …


… sophisticated Pat Savage is Interracially IMPREGNATED!




          ( ... ... Page 57 ... ... ... )


But Pat didn't tell Ham the whole truth.  She had too much feminine pride and would be embarrassed.


She had taken a diving leap forward as she heard the shot.  It caused her head to crash against the side of a door frame.


She was semi-conscious when she felt hands on her.  At first she thought someone was trying to help her stand.  But then she realized that she was being dragged along the floor into some dirty back storeroom.


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"Oh no …," she started as she felt her blouse and skirt being removed.












Then she next felt something Big and Huge slipping between her bronze thighs up towards her crotch.  She looked down.


It was BLACK!  And it was a monster!!






She gave a half-groan/half-moan as it irresistibly snaked its way into her cunt.  Her body slightly trembled from its invading shock.


"Damn you!" she uttered softly as it started its savage plunging.





It was almost like she was paralyzed from the sudden pain.  She didn't have the muscular control let alone strength to resist her impregnating invader.  She just resigned herself to let it do its vile deed.








     "You must like it, Whore," he leered.  "You sure don't fight back that much."





     She felt a blast of something squishy and gooey shoot up into her ravaged cunt.






Her lack of resistance earned her a jolting <slap> across her pretty face as she was quickly turned over on her tummy.




"Oh please!" she begged.  "Not that!  Not back there!"


But her pleas fell on deaf ears as that same monstrosity slowly inched its way up her awfully-tight rectum.  She moaned as it felt like she was being split apart!












While she was recovering from the pain of that invasion, her attacker forced her to …
















    In a Parallel Universe ...









And then it was over.  Just like that.  Quickly!  Violently!


Her dazed condition prevented her from even remembering the face of her attacker.











[Impregnated Whore]





           ( .. ... Page 83 ... ... ... )


     "Please!" Junith said sharply.


     She turned to Doc Savage.  Her voice, her manner was strained.


     "Go ahead and search," she said.


     It was then that a loud yell came from the back of the house along with blow noises and other sounds of a fight.


     Coming up later …


                                                                          … elegant Junith Stage is Gang-Raped !



           ( .. ... Page 109 ... ... ... )


     "Thanks," he said.  "Has any other plane landed here within the last few days?"


     "No, señor."


     "The plane would have had a girl named 'Junith Stage' aboard and a young man named 'Marbetti'."


     "There has been no such plane."


     "Goodbye," the Chief said.


     Earlier, Junith was scared.  Was very scared.


     She had taken many paths in her covert travel.  Some of them were by herself.  And it was one of those that got her in peril.




     A group of menacing black men could not be bought off by her money.  The degenerates only wanted the white woman's pussy!




     She was almost too terrified to move as she watched them remove her clothes and then theirs.  She was well aware of their intent as long hard black penises thrust up in the air.


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     She was numb as they passed her around sampling her womanly charms.









     Then they got down to serious business.  She was layed out on the ground.


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     Their faces were not leering or taunting.  Rather, they were very serious and intent as they mounted her …







     She groaned and gasped as strong black dicks repeatedly penetrated and emptied gobs of semen themselves into her soft womb.















     Nasty black cocks found their way into her mouth.  Her lipstick coated each one of them.

















     Some of them were only interested in taking a white woman "from behind".  It was almost considered a prize to sodomize such a creature.
















   In a Parallel Universe ...





















           ( .. ... Page 127 ... ... ... )


"One place is about the same as another until we reach the river," Doc told him.  "And flying low this way, Niji will not hear us returning until we get within 3-or-4 miles of the trading post."


"You think we’ll make it?" Phil asked hollowly.


The motors promptly answered that.


They stopped one at-a-time!


Coming up later …

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                                                                                       … Pat Savage is in Trouble again!




           ( ... ... Page 130 ... ... ... )


Monk snorted!  "Brother, don’t let that worry you.  I’m scared a lot worse."

Pat Savage said: "We’re all scared, Phil."


"You wouldn’t think so to listen to you," Phil muttered.


"Well, if I could get out of here right now," Pat said, "I would take a vow never to get mixed up in another one of these messes.  … Maybe …"


Probably Doc Savage was the only one who really slept any at all.


It certainly wasn't Patricia Savage because a grubby-looking individual took her away from where she was.  Her 5" high-heel pumps clicked down a narrow hallway as she wondered if she was being released?  Not likely it proved.




She was led to a room occupied by 5 other men.  They were all naked!




She knew then what awaited her and tried to reverse direction and bolt through the door.  But it had already been slammed shut and locked.


She turned to face 6 grinning menacing faces.  Each of the men was masturbating his penis in order to get it erect for its task ahead.




She fought vainly as her clothes were torn off her.  The bronze-haired beauty stood there in her "birthday suit" except for some silk thigh-top stockings and her high-heels.








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Then the assault began.  Sweaty grubby hands roamed all over her body while saliva-oozing mouths closed over her neon-pink lips.


Then those mouths moved downward to feast on her full perky 34-D breasts.










In her pursuit of Adventure with Doc Savage’s group, Pat had unfortunately been raped and gang-banged many times.  So she was not technically a "virgin", her hymen having been torn when she was barely out of her teenage years (see "Brand of the Werewolf" #011XXX).



Still, she had some remarkable ability for her body to heal itself.  In doing so, any vaginal or rectal passageways that had been brutally stretched-out had quickly returned to their original tightness.  For all practical purposes as far as the pain and bleeding went, she was still a "virgin".



When that part of the orgy was over, they quickly took her down to the floor.




     Her legs screamed up in the air as penises of various sizes began plunging in-and-out of her vagina.









They never seemed to stop.  Just when one released its foul impregnating load, another would quickly take its place.  Continuously.  With no break in between.







They would kiss her sloppily as if each was a horny husband trying to "comfort" his virgin bride while he was breaking her hymen.















And her rectum was not spared either but given the same treatment.  Their sodomization seemed to last longer than their previous intercourse.  Maybe that's because it was so very rare to take a white woman in this manner in their county.



And especially one as stunningly beautiful as Pat Savage!
















To stifle her squeals of protest, those same raping black cocks stuffed her pretty mouth.



















    In a Parallel Universe ...









When their orgy was over, the redressed her as best they could.  But she could still feel their baby-making semen ooze out of her cunt and leak from her anus.







She would have to find some water somewhere to "douche" herself out since hopes of finding 'morning-after' birth control pills in this place was nill.  She walked slightly bowlegged on shaky high-heels as they led her back to her former place of confinement.










[9 months later …]


But Patricia Savage would recover from her sexual abuse.  She had an unexplainable remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.  Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.  It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina and rectum to return to their original firmness.  She would be virgin-tight again!  But could she escape future rapes and gang-bangs????




     Pat Savage's next peril comes in #104 - "Birds of Death" :



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     For an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only the images => PS0104XXX.htm 

     "104XXX - Birds of Death"   (complete book zipped-pdf)


                          (more of the above Intros are at  PSXXX_A.doc  or  PSXXX_A.pdf )




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Mega Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken): ; , 

Rebecca’s HAP (Housewives At Play) - 

Role-Playing Costumes – 

T-Girl/Tranny Call-Girls at , ,


Fantasy “Forced-Sex” sites at , ,


"Forced-Sex" RolePlaying Forums – , ,


(Fake) Nude Hollywood Celebrities at , ,

“Monster/Alien” sex at , , 




  Erotic-Art Calendars  <= template(your photos)   <= UFO  <= XXX

   Pics/Videos of Kelli/Stephanie/Pamela's  Modeling Sessions

   Kelli/Stephanie/Pamela's  Role-Playing  Fantasies 

    the difference between real-life Violence and Fantasy Adult Role-Playing
   Transsexual Supermodel Anna Alexandre (RIP 2007)

   ( downloadable/printable) Role-Playing Fantasy "Highlights"





   Parents - protect your children from ADULT content with these services:

   [CyberPatrol]    [SurfWatch]     [NetNanny]      [CyberSitter]