("Bridget" is one of many creations of Casgra (http://casgra.blogspot.com
). The
following comic book was obtained from the free public site www.8muses.com

to my library, Wench."

you are here, I am your Master."

have some nice tits, Whore."

You're biting them! It hurts!"

me see if I can draw some milk from your tits, Whore."

<slurp> <lick> <suck>

gonna rape you, Whore, as soon as you get my cock hard."

This so so nasty! And it stinks too!"

you get raped, you filthy teenage Whore!"

It hurts! You're hurting me, damn you!!!"

gonna hurt a lot more than that before we're finished, Slut!"

good! I see some blood. Means I'm splitting your hymen

too BIG! You're tearing me apart, Bastard!"

Slut! Makin' babies is hard work for me in my old age."

that glob, Wench? That's gonna be our baby fucker-boy!"

got to get married now. I'll rape you every hour of every