Perils of Patricia Savage"
( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )
Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an
unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure. Though Doc
strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless
managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which
upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys. Now they had to
rescue Pat.
What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and
sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped
her. Many images are included with the text. These are NOT
FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex
The Adult images that accompany the XXX
material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes
, Twistys , HotPornStars , Richards-Realm.com
, and Celebritiesmix.com
fantasy XXX
material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at RebeccaHAP.com
and those wicked and talented BDSM
erotic artists at DoFantasy.com
and 8Muses.com.
is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at
- "Violent Night" (zipped-pdf).
MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced
below. Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and
"Extract All"). ]

( ... ... Page 37 ... ... ... )
wonder why he wanted my six-shooter so bad?” she asked.
blank-faced man jerked at her wrist, tugging her out into the corridor.
had with growing intensity a feeling of repellence,
a sensation of being actually attached to a cadaver.
was suddenly convinced that the men would not hesitate to kill her.
A horrible feeling came over the very beautiful bronze-haired woman then.
It was a nightmarish memory of what happened to her in a similar
situation when she was almost out of her teenage years (see "Brand
of the Werewolf" #011XXX).
was living with her father in a remote section of the Canadian
wilderness when a group of murderous thieves savagely
attacked her.

lustful, they laughed as they stripped the shrieking young virgin naked.

took much pleasure in sloppily kissing her youthful soft full lips.

could tell by her actions that she had hardly been kissed before.
And certainly not with the invading tongues
they used.

had shrieked in revulsion as
hungry mouths eagerly sucked on her perky 34-D young breasts …

and probing fingers ran all over her body and her 22-inch
waist to poke into private orifices.

had taken turns raping her, brutally tearing away her virginity.
And not only in her vagina.

but also in her mouth

as well as her rectum.

In a Parallel Universe

laughed as their pet dog
tried to breed with the young beauty.

Even after the filthy canine finished its breeding
attempt, they couldn't resist one last act of degradation to their
teenage Princess-turned-Whore…

(9 months) would tell if young Patricia would undergo a
drastic change in body shape …

Teenage Whore]
That same uneasy feeling of peril now crept over Pat Savage as she
watched these men.
( ... ... Page 65 ... ... ... )
shrugged. “Several have
been past. And some of them
were pretty capable hussies.”
smiled faintly. “I think
you are prejudiced.”
least I've got you cheered up,” Pat told her.
Then Pat lost color.
She felt as if she was losing nerves, control,
courage, everything and leaped to her feet.
door was being unlocked!
up …

… now in her late-20s, Pat Savage gets Gang-Raped
( ... ... Page 88 ... ... ... )
asked Hans Berkshire about it and the latter stated that he was correct.
long will we have to wait?”
is very difficult to say,” Berkshire said.
“Some hours, I am afraid.”
stood up.
am going to look over the neighborhood.”
nodded. “A good plan.”
shortly …

Pat Savage will be Whore-Trained
( ... ... Page 96 ... ... ... )
gun.” He illustrated the
approximate size of Pat's western type six-shooter with his hands.
“Where is?”
want to know where my pistol is?” Pat demanded.
little rabbit ate it,” Pat said.
She spent the next hour wondering why-in-the-dickens her six-shooter had
become so important.
the major portion of that hour was spent with Patricia Savage
"servicing" many lust-crazed men!
beauty had opened many doors for her in the past.
But occasionally (like the present time) it also caused her

Hate seared from her gold-flecked eyes as she was
forced under gunpoint to strip naked.

she removed her clothes, she watched many men mirror her efforts until
they themselves were likewise bare.
Only they had enormous-looking stiff penises!

sick bastards!" Pat swore at them.
"You're nothing but a bunch of perverted rapists!"

it the spoils of war, Fraulein!"
one retorted. "You will
now spread your legs, please.
Spread them very WIDE because you have many 'husbands' to

she watched the first man prepare to enter her, she said: "You know
that you're all going to die. This
just seals your fate. You
will … …
"OUCH!!! … UUUGGgghhhhh!!!!"

men laughed and Pat squealed as ALL of them they pumped
into all her holes.
They didn't have much time. And
they didn't waste any.

a consequence, they were none-too-gentle with the feisty bronze

In a Parallel Universe ...


your clothes back on," one commanded her.
"And clean yourself up.
You look and smell like another cheap American WHORE!"

( ... ... Page 120 ... ... ... )
had just one more question. And
he put it plaintively in a tone that had in it a little of "you
have dug away the molehill but what about the mountain?"
has got the six-shooter?” he asked.
Carter swore at him unhappily.
up next …

Barni and Pat are Gang-Raped
( ... ... Page 128 ... ... ... )
glanced at Barni. “Did you
get asked about the six-shooter?”
piece of artillery that my grandfather used to fight Indians with,”
Pat said. “It sounds
ridiculous. But
somehow-or-other, the fate of Germany seems to hinge on the thing.”
returned suddenly with a vicious
look on his face. He eyed
the 2 beautiful women.

come up with something that will dilute some of your feistiness, I
him were a group of men. They
seemed to be following not exactly in a military formation but some sort
or order anyway. Everyone
of them had an exposed penis protruding
from his zipper!

are yours for the taking, gentlemen," Carter said.
"Mess them up real good.
And in the process, make sure each is left
with what will be a good future German soldier!"

and Barni looked in horror as the men filed in and started taking their
clothes off.

sick bastard!"
Pat yelled at Carter as he was leaving.
the 2 lovely females watched the vile assembly come closer …
struggled while they were being stripped
naked. The men laughed at
their futile efforts.

didn't take long for the Pat and Barni to be standing shamefully bare in
front of lust-hardened

men started their assault with gross slobbery kissing.
carefully-applied neon-pink
lipstick was getting smeared all over her mouth.
Barni endured saliva-soaked tongues snaking in-and-out and of

mouths sucked and bit each woman's shapely
breasts …

while probing fingers roamed over their defenseless bodies.

In a Parallel Universe ...

the Gang-Raping began. It
went on …

… and on ………

… And On ………..


In a Parallel Universe ...

until both women were left lying there with spread-eagled legs covered
with saliva, semen, and urine!

But Patricia Savage would
recover from her sexual abuse. She
had an unexplainable remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.
Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.
It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina
and rectum to return to their original firmness.
She would be virgin-tight again!
But could she escape future rapes
and gang-bangs????
( ... ... Page 152 ... ... ... )
became bug-eyed and asked: “You mean he's right here now?”
Doc said.
identity could belong to only one man in the room.
And all eyes centered upon him as if drawn by a
horrible magnet.
up next …
Barni is not out of Trouble
( ... ... Page 158 ... ... ... )
are serving as her doctor, aren't you?”
probably put her back together again,” Mr. Dilling said.
Dining grinned slightly.
should be a pleasant job.”
Doc had an idea he was looking sheepish again.
might not be as "pleasant" as Mr.
Dilling thought. Barni had
been raped again!
This time, some old grandpa types stumbled onto
the beautiful woman.
They saw their "window of opportunity"
and began to take it. And
take her!
Barni was only semi-conscious as they began
stripping her naked.
She was only somewhat cognizant as hungry mouths
started down on her lips and
full breasts.

She was aware when their wrinkled hard penises found their way inside her cunt.
She could only moan as they feverishly thrust
away in her.
Barni really didn't feel their sticky sperm
when it shot up inside violated womb.
But she could taste it when they forced their organs between her
pretty lips.
And she did feel it also when their suddenly
hard-again dicks poked her
butt unmercifully.

In a Parallel Universe ...
And of course their assault couldn't be complete
without a little "Taming of the Shrew" …

If Barni thought that was the end of her torment,
she was very wrong. Her eyes
widened with incredulous looks as naked teenage
started walking her way. She
lay there obscenely naked as they approached with small stiff erections.
"Oh no," she said in a terrified voice.
"You wouldn't ... They wouldn't ..."
"But of course they would," an old man
laughed. "They're gonna
fuck what little brains you
have left."
"You bastards!
You sick perverted bastards!" Barni yelled.
"Damn all of you to Hell!"
The men just laughed and turned to the eagerly
lustful boys.
"You watched all of us tame this whore,
boys. Now the bitch
is all yours. Make her
scream like we did when we poked all her holes."
Another man said: "Yeah.
But you're not going to do that with your little peckers.
Here ... wear these when you first start.
Then yank them off when you get ready to shoot your baby-making
love jizz up in her filthy
Barni couldn't believe her eyes.
The man-beasts had thought of everything!
Barni writhed and squealed as the oversized artificial penis plunged deep into
She was gasping for breath as he pulled out of
her and another young rapist
took his turn ...
Barni moaned
and groaned as she felt each impregnating
glob spurt up her ravaged womb. She
closed her eyes at the grunting young faces over top of her intent on
making her pregnant.
Yes, Doc Savage unknowingly would have his hands full
getting the young woman back to health.
Pat Savage's next peril comes in #151 -
"Terror Takes Seven" :

an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only
the images => PS0151XXX.htm
- Terror Takes Seven" (complete book zipped-pdf)
(more of the above Intros are at PSXXX_A.doc
or PSXXX_A.pdf

( http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/AnnaXXX.htm )

Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken):
; http://www.tiava.com , http://www.extremeapril.com
HAP (Housewives At Play) - http://www.rebeccahap.com
Costumes – Forplaycatalog.com
Call-Girls at http://www.hotlegsinlove.com/Anna.htm
, http://barbie-boy.com
“Forced-Sex” sites at http://www.forcefantasies.com
, http://www.dofantasy.com ,
, http://www.savageartwork.com
RolePlaying Forums – http://savage-violation.com , http://ravishu.com
Nude Hollywood Celebrities at http://www.cfake.com/
, http://www.sinfuldrawing.com
, http://www.celebritiesmix.com
sex at http://monsters-porn.com
, http://aliensex3d.com ,
, http://scifi3dporn.com