DOC  SAVAGE :  #38 - "The Men Who Smiled No More"

The Perils of Patricia Savage       

        The material below are considered ADULT hardcore XXX in most communities.

                 The material depicts Forced-Sex role-playing fantasies and artwork.

                            We certainly do NOT condone this in REAL-LIFE  ...

                                  ... only as role-playing "games" between consenting Adults.


                             We also do not display any child pornography photographs.


      The actors and actresses in the rehearsed photos are over 18 (see here for a list of

      sites from where they were extracted).  The anime/hentai/cartoon/3D images depict

      sexual fantasies of many Adults and -- as strictly drawings of erotic art -- are

      harmless and (at one time) were not subject to any legal restrictions (see here).


      (But having stated that, if any image is judged to be illegal by a newer law, please

        contact me at and it will be removed.  All of these images

        were retrieved from "free" public (i.e., non-paysite) websites.  Some have a massive

        collection from fake-celebrity-sex to BDSM to incest to bestiality images [such as ].  I assume that if these somewhat-realistic images were illegal, the

        legal authorities would have had them removed a long time ago.  But they are

        still there and so I am using them here and saving you a lot of web-surfing time.)


       If you are under 21 or are not permitted to view such material by the laws of 

               of your locality/community ,  or if you have difficulty separating reality

          from Adult fantasies, or if you are offended in general by Adult sexual themes,

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"The Perils of Patricia Savage"



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     Patricia Savage was the beautiful cousin of Doc Savage who had an unquenchable thirst for excitement and adventure.  Though Doc strongly discouraged her from accompanying his group, she nevertheless managed to sneak along and invariably get into serious trouble which upset Doc's plans to apprehend the bad guys.  Now they had to rescue Pat.


     What follows below is my version of what really happened to Pat (and sometimes her female friend) when the evil criminals kidnapped her.  Many images are included with the text.  These are NOT FOR MINORS and are of a Forced-Sex theme.


      The Adult images that accompany the XXX material were from free public sites such as LuxBabes , Twistys , HotPornStars , , and .


     The fantasy XXX material was in part created by inspiration from Rebecca at and those wicked and talented BDSM erotic artists at and




     This is an EXTRACT from the complete book which is stored at 038XXX - "The Men Who Smiled No More"  (zipped-pdf). 

[Note: MORE Images are shown in the downloaded book than are reproduced below.  Download the book and unzip (i.e., right-click and "Extract All").   Then you can have it forever long after this website goes away.]

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        ( ... ... Page 14 ... ... ... )


     "So, he is a sane man without emotions," announced Doctor Madren.  "And as such, he is unique in the annals of psychotherapy.  He could -- and would -- kill his best friend without feeling any reaction whatever."


     The Man of Bronze now knew Smiling Tony was not a unique case.


     Simon Stevens -- multi-millionaire shipping man, a respected, trusted citizen, a man who had been filled with jollity, a love of life -- had only missed by a fraction-of-a-second becoming exactly that kind of a murderer.


     Doc's analytical brain was beginning to evolve some amazing theories.  The bronze giant never overlooked the smallest trifle.


     Not all of the mysterious patients were known to Doc Savage.  Such as the case of a mild-mannered old clergyman who turned savage rapist!


     Apparently he had stalked a young brunette beauty who was laying memorial flowers at a gravesite.








     Before she knew what was happening, she felt herself being wrestled with and her clothes being ripped off by some old man who was spouting gibberish.






     She tried to resist his crude love-making gestures.  But it only seemed to excite him more.









     Quickly she found herself laying naked on the hard ground with her long legs spread wide.






     She watched a fat hairy penis position itself between her nubile thighs and inch its way quickly up to her vaginal opening.








     Her pleas were met with laughing crazed eyes as he suddenly thrusted himself up into her!






     She shrieked as his veiny organ seemed to take an eternity before shooting its impregnating contents up into her.













     But if she thought he was finished after this, she was quite wrong.




      He forced her to use her red-lipsticked mouth to service his smelly cock and get it erect and hard again.














      Then he maddeningly turned her over on her taut stomach and proceeded to sodomize her.  He held her breasts and rode her like a bucking horse in a rodeo.













  In a Parallel Universe ...








     Finally he just rolled off her exhausted.  He was just sitting there naked in the grass giggling when the police came up to arrest him.










                                                                                                                                                                       [future Mommy-to-be]




         ( ... ... Page 55 ... ... ... )


      Jim Stevens was standing in the hallway outside.  Doctor Madren was still talking with Simon Stevens.  The conversation was one-sided.  The shipping magnate replied only in cold monosyllables.

The nurse Miss Clarke had disappeared.  Probably she had gone to her room was Pat's instant thought.


Miss Clarke had seen the blood on Pat's hand.  Could the nurse have been suspicious to the extent of listening in on her conversation?


Pat stepped quickly into the living room.  The bloodstained sword cane slipped from under her coat.


It fell to the floor!


Coming up soon …


… an unconscious Pat Savage gets Gang-Raped !!




     ( ... ... Page 73 ... ... ...)


Doc was forced to circle the 2-acre duck pond.  Gliding through the bushes, he first heard the low voice of Pat Savage.  She seemed to be sobbing almost breathlessly.


Pat was only partly conscious.  She was attempting to extricate herself from a tangle of bushes.  Her clothes had been almost torn off her body.  Indeed, one perky breast was visible in all its glory.


She could not remember what happened.  That after knocking her unconscious, several men took turns raping and sodomizing her.


She lay prone on the grass, her defenseless body was theirs for the taking.  And take they most certainly did!






Twitchy desperate fingers anxiously ripped her tight-fitting blouse and then undid her brassiere.  Full perky 34-D breasts shined under whatever moonlight was available.






Her tight-fitting skirt was bunched up around her 22-inch waist as her frail French bikini panties were torn off.





They didn't bother with her thigh-top silk stockings (although one man claimed that bare legs would feel better).  Her 5" high-heel pumps lay spread wide apart as they moved in for their assault.






In her pursuit of Adventure with Doc Savage’s group, Pat had unfortunately been raped and gang-banged many times.  So she was not technically a "virgin", her hymen having been torn when she was barely out of her teenage years (see "Brand of the Werewolf" #011XXX).




Still, she had some remarkable ability for her body to heal itself.  In doing so, any vaginal or rectal passageways that had been brutally stretched-out had quickly returned to their original tightness.  For all practical purposes as far as the pain and bleeding went, she was still a "virgin".







The first stocky man just fell down on her.  Had she been conscious, she would have had her breath knocked out.  But she wasn't awake so she couldn't feel his fat smelly penis RAM its way up into her tight unlubricated pussy.











      He puffed-and-groaned like some animal beast in heat before he exploded up in her womb, flooding it with a load of impregnating sperm.














Another man sat upon her proud defiant breasts and raised her head up to meet his own unkept manhood.




He started "feeding" it into neon-pink lips and moved her head back-and-forth.  







     It was only a matter of time before he also shot a huge sticky mess into her mouth and down her throat.








The last man turned her limp body over to rest on its tummy.  Her taut round buttocks shone up through the night air.  He moved her legs together (he said it felt better that way) as he layed on top of her.  His thin 10" penis started searching for her anal opening.




He was having trouble finding the tiny orifice.  Just when he thought he might have to reposition her, he felt it "pop" inside her butt!  Almost like it was "sucked" in by her sphincter muscles.  He started furiously pumping in-and-out of her rectum with the others cheering him on in low voices.







He lasted longer than the first two.  But eventually he too climaxed.  A sl-o-o-o-w-w ejaculation that seemed to last 30 seconds-or-more.












    In a Parallel Universe ...








     But the ultimate horror was next to come.  They had a dog with them to detect strangers from a far distance.





It was a young dog and it ways always “horny”.  It promptly had its way with the unconscious bronze beauty …




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Pat would never know exactly what happened to her.  She might have guessed from her smeared lipstick, the bite-marks on her breasts, and the strange now-crystallized substance on the inside of her thighs and her chin.  Her tiny bikini pair stuffed up in her crotch should have given a clue as well.







  [puppies on board]

But she chose not to.  And nobody would ever know what had happened …




      ( ... ... Page 85 ... ... ... )


Doctor Madren pulled himself upright in the middle of the rug.  Drops of perspiration were shining on his smooth bald head.  He was looking from Simon Stevens to Stevens's son in a bewildered way.


     The nurse Miss Clark also had emerged from the drug.  She looked at Doctor Madren.


     "I think I remembered someone coming through the window.  Then a cloth of chloroform was held over my face!"

Actually, more transpired to the pretty Miss Clark than she wanted to admit.




The hastily-applied makeshift anesthetic rendered her passive but not entirely unconscious.  So she was aware of having her clothes unbuttoned and unzipped until only her dainty undergarments remained.





She was also aware of strange men suddenly naked in front of her with eagerly-stiffened penises jutting out.




And when they removed her bra and panties and methodically spread her legs out wide on the floor.













She wished that she would not remember the feeling she had when that first large dick rammed its way into her cunt.  Oh how that hurt in spite of the numbing anesthetic!








And even though her body seemed to eventually accommodate the invading organ, just the thought of the long time it was plunging in-and-out of her was more upsetting than the actual initial physical pain.

















And then there were other foul penises who pressed between her luscious red lips to empty their contents down her throat.


















Last came the inhuman degrading sodomizations of her pretty buttocks.  Sticky streams of semen oozed out of her rectum just as they did from her vagina and mouth.





     Sticky streams of semen oozed out of her rectum just as they did from her vagina and mouth.
















   In a Parallel Universe ...








     She thought she was hallucinating when she beheld a terrifying vision.  Naked college freshmen-aged boys with stiff erections were approaching her prone nude body.


     Even more horrifying was watching them strap on huge artificial penises.  She could guess what they were going to be used for!









     And after the first nerdy fucker-boy was finished, another one eagerly took his place.









She recovered enough (fortunately before the others, she thought) to put back on her clothes before she mercifully lost consciousness altogether.  The strange men had already departed.










                                                                                                                            [Impregnated Whore]




       ( ... ... Page 139 ... ... ... )


One of the human robots was much larger than the others.  He was a human giant stripped to the waist.  All of the men seemed engaged in the peculiar occupation of carrying filled bags through this room into another.


The gigantic figure came close to Ham and Monk.  He did not even pause in his stride with the other automatic workers.  He merely nodded.


The giant was Renny Renwick!


The presence of Ham, Monk, Pat, and the others did not impress him as out of the ordinary.  Johnny Littlejohn and Long Tom Roberts were in the line of workers.  They were also stripped to the waist.  Sweat poured from their bodies.  But they did not complain.


The prisoners had no means of knowing that Simon Stevens had been desperately attempting to procure aid for them.


Not too much later …


… Pat Savage is Gang-IMPREGNATED !!





       ( ... ... Page 167 ... ... ... )


The drug-paralyzed Renny, Ham, and Monk along with Doc Savage were ordered into another part of the facility.  That way they would not be able to witness what was about to happen to the pretty Pat.  Not that it would have mattered anyway.


But not so wide-awake Jim Stevens.  He would have to watch in subdued horror.






"Undo her ropes and tie her hands and ankles to the sacks."


This was accomplished in a mechanized manner.  Without feeling or compassion.  Pat didn't seem to be aware of the fact that she was being stretched out and bound down.  She too was paralyzed by the drug.




"Rip those clothes off that damn bitch!"


Like robots, drug-paralzyed men started tearing away at Pat's tight blouse and skimpy skirt.  They didn't stop with these but continued on to remove her brassiere and frail panties.  She lay there helpless and spread-eagled like a piece of meat ready to be ravaged.









"Now form a line in front of her.  And one-at-a-time, each of you have intercourse with her.  Do your best to make her Pregnant!"


There were 7 men in that line.  But they were unaware of what they were about to do.  They moved like robots up to her widespread legs.




"Squeeze her breasts while you screw her.  Squeeze them hard!  Bite them, too!!"







The first man did as ordered.  He jammed his erection up into Pat's seemingly unfeeling cunt.  She didn't utter a sound or groan but just layed there.  He grabbed and twisted her perky 34-D breasts as he worked his way up to a climax.




But when he finally did, nobody could have guessed it for he too did not utter any sound when his semen flooded her womb.











Then the second man in the line replaced him.  He too plunged his penis into Pat's guts. 




      He gave her defiant boobs some hard bites as he gushed up inside her with his baby-making jizz.










And so on it went with each of the 7 men emptying their impregnating genitals into Pat's fertile womb.  The only one who seemed to be enjoying the spectacle was the mysterious voice in the loudspeaker.



















“Hold her legs up, you idiot fools!” he shouted.  “I don’t want any of your sperm leaking out of her!”









Jim Stevens certainly didn't enjoy it.  Seeing the tall slender bronze-haired getting forcibly impregnated.  He had to shut his eyes.











    In a Parallel Universe ...

















         [knocked-up Slut-Whore]


But Pat Savage would recover from her sexual abuse.  She had an unexplainable remarkable ability to somehow heal herself.  Maybe it was the Savage bloodline.  It would only be a matter of weeks for her stretched-out vagina and rectum to return to their original firmness.  She would be virgin-tight again!  But could she escape future rapes and gang-bangs????




     Pat Savage's next peril comes in #41 - "The Black Spot" :

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     For an EXTRACT of that adventure containing only the images => PS041XXX.htm 

     "041XXX - The Black Spot"   <=MORE images are in the complete book (zipped-pdf).

                                   Download, un-zip, and keep it forever when this website no longer exists.


                          (more of the above Intros are at  PSXXX_A.doc  or  PSXXX_A.pdf )




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Mega Porn Sites (from which the images above were taken): ; , 

Rebecca’s HAP (Housewives At Play) - 

Role-Playing Costumes – 

T-Girl/Tranny Call-Girls at , ,


Fantasy “Forced-Sex” sites at , ,


"Forced-Sex" RolePlaying Forums – , ,


(Fake) Nude Hollywood Celebrities at , ,

“Monster/Alien” sex at , , 




  Erotic-Art Calendars  <= template(your photos)   <= UFO  <= XXX

   Pics/Videos of Kelli/Stephanie/Pamela's  Modeling Sessions

   Kelli/Stephanie/Pamela's  Role-Playing  Fantasies 

    the difference between real-life Violence and Fantasy Adult Role-Playing
   Transsexual Supermodel Anna Alexandre (RIP 2007)

   ( downloadable/printable) Role-Playing Fantasy "Highlights"





   Parents - protect your children from ADULT content with these services:

   [CyberPatrol]    [SurfWatch]     [NetNanny]      [CyberSitter]